Challenging The Grace to Believe

hand in hand

I have been on this journey of grace long enough to have deconstructed all of my previous indoctrinations and form a belief founded on genuine divine encounters with serious meditation and contemplation. As much as I dislike making that claim due to the pompous nature it portrays, I know of no other manner presently to introduce the material which follows.

In the previous posting where I spoke about the grace to believe I indicated that having beliefs of any sort are neither right or wrong but merely evolving as we enter into our high calling. Recognizing that all beliefs are inherently weak because we create them to enable us to navigate through the struggles of life grace fills in the places we can’t anticipate or refuse to consider vital.

I am often pressed about what I do believe. This is a difficult position to be place in each time it arises simply because I recognize how those who are asking are seriously searching for answers to the questions in their lives which their current belief patterns can’t resolve. It is also challenging because anything I offer has been processed in my life through the events in my life and may not directly apply to them at this time. So typically, I just offer snippets which are designed to provoke thought and permit them to continue the process of inquiry with me as they so desire keeping in mind the old adage, “A teacher will appear when needed.”

What follows are snippets to my beliefs. I assure you that you will be challenged by what at first glance may be called heretical teachings. This does not bother me in the least. Heretic simply means a person who doesn’t espouse or follow the approved narrative. If this doesn’t describe Jesus, then why shouldn’t I receive the same level of honor. Buckle up. It’s about to get real.

1. The Omni God

Start with the beginning. Who is God? God is Love. Everything flows from this and this alone. Grace is the power of this love. When you declare how God is omnipotent, all-powerful, you are expressing the wonder and magnitude of His grace. When you declare God to be omnipresent, all-present, you cast down the vain thoughts of how God is up there, out there away from your daily activities and trials. And when you declare God to be omniscient, all-knowing, you accept how God being with you daily knows everything about what you face, and because of His love, deeply desires to help you. “I will never leave you nor forsake you” is absolute truth. Meditate on this until your knower can’t argue anymore.

2. The Habitation of God

God inhabits all of His creation. It is His word which brought it forth and it is His word which sustains it and keeps it. There is not one thing visible or invisible which is not a creation of His word. Accept that you are also a component of His creation. Wherever the word resides, the Creator abides. There has NEVER been a moment in the entire scope and passage of creation where the Creator, The Ground of All Being has not dwelt therein. The same yesterday, today and forevermore.

3. Oneness

As Jesus is one with the Father, so are you. You don’t suddenly become one with the Father by some confession. You have always been one. If you can’t fathom this possibility, see item 2.

4. Christ is not Jesus’s last name

Jesus is first and foremost a man. He was conceived, born, lived and died as a mortal. He experienced all the trials, tribulations, joys and pleasures open to mankind. He is no different from you and me. He ate and drank, had to relieve himself afterwards, and then went to bed only to arise and begin it all over again. The Christ is the revealed power from God which resides within. The Christ expresses the will of the Father for humanity. You are every much the Christ as Jesus is.

5. Jesus did not come to be a sacrifice for our sins.

Jesus stated quite clearly that he did not come to abolish the Law but to complete it. When He proclaimed at the cross that it was finished, the Law was completed in Him. The Law clearly states that the sacrifice for sins is made through a goat on Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, a yearly ritual conducted by the high priest in the fall. Jesus was crucified and died on the eve of the Passover; a yearly spring festival described in the Law. As the Lamb of God, Jesus fulfilled the sacrificial requirement specified in the Law. As the Passover sacrifice Jesus came to give us life and that life more abundantly just as the lamb had for the Hebrew children on the last night in the land of Egypt.

6. The second coming of Christ is you.

Many believe that Jesus will return one day. If they mean the man, this is highly circumspect. If they mean The Christ, He has been returning at every birth upon this planet. Regrettably, the majority of people on this planet cannot fathom this. The Jews were expecting a warrior king for their messiah when Jesus arrived. Today the religious world is looking for the same thing. Since He never changes why do we think he will come as something different from what he has already displayed? We grapple with the Holy Spirit coming upon all humanity while believing in a warrior god of our own imagination. It’s time to go within to our Self to see anew what it means to be You.

7. The Ten Commandments have been taught wrong

Jesus proclaimed a kingdom of God principle which many overlook. He stated that the first shall be last and the last shall be first. The first words given to Moses which established the corpus of The Law in Jewish history are a directive toward humanity to right the misfortunes cast upon humanity by Adam and the woman. The transgression of the woman stemmed from her desire. The result for following her desire was the expulsion of both her and Adam from the garden. When the Ten Words are read in reverse order, they fully explain the journey which occurs when inordinate desires are followed. The remaining 603 laws are simply an extension of the ten when viewed in this manner.

8. Eternal Torment is a projection of an inflated ego.

If you think that you or someone you know will spend the entire span of eternity being tormented because of some transgression which occurred, then you have control issues! Are your parents still beating you because you spilled milk as a child? If they are then they have control issues too! What about “God is Love” and “the same yesterday, today and forevermore” that you do not understand?

9. But the bible says…

Reading and writing is a luxury which the people of the bible longed for. What is commonplace for us today was a great rarity during the time of Jesus and Paul. Jesus would say, “You have heard it said…but I tell you…” simply because the people couldn’t read let alone even write. The greatest mystery of Jesus today is what he wrote in the dirt with the woman caught in adultery. The writer of this incident didn’t reveal it probably because he couldn’t read it and subsequently couldn’t convey it to the scribe who wrote the story he told it to. If you are compelled to accept only a literal interpretation of the bible, you are setting yourself up for trouble. Grace, here more than anywhere else in life, is what you have to employ to define what your actions will be as declared in this book.

10. The Enemy is your projection not something from God.

Jesus said that we are to love our enemy. God loves our enemy just as much as us. God doesn’t have enemies. God does have a satan which looks like you and me, but He never made the satan or the devil. If you want to dispute this with the story of a fallen angel, then read the book of Enoch where the story originally came from. If you still feel compelled to stick with this because of a revelation someone said they had then you need to look at their projection and ask where they a copying it from to take credit for it. The simplest way to refute this is simple to ask, “Does God see them as an enemy?”

11. All religion today is simply a rehash of someone else’s thoughts trying to understand the mystery of God in their life.

Welcome to the journey. They didn’t have the answer then just as you don’t today. Handle their revelation lightly as you cling tightly to what the Father unveils to you. There is freedom in the kingdom of God to allow you to explore the goodness it offers. When you feel constrained and limited in your walk it simply means that you’re following the traditions of man. Turn back within and rely on Self to move you back onto the path of your high calling.

This list is not exhaustive by any stretch. I’m fairly certain many of you will be challenged by what I have conveyed. The last thing I am asking you is to believe what I have expressed. These are beliefs I have because of the life I have experienced. They are not carved in stone but are composed on a heart which relishes the Presence of what I Am is offering. Grace wafts throughout undergirding them with the Love of The Ground of All Being. Since God is no respecter of person you have the same luxury to explore your beliefs as I do. You have nothing to lose except your shackles and prison clothes.

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Let me level with you.

We don’t see eye to eye. We’re not even on the same page.

Does that frighten you? Are you fearful that by reading this you’re getting into something you hadn’t bargained for? Have you decided to back off just for the sake of being sure nothing will cause you any harm?

Or do you feel intimidated? Is there something that you lack and are afraid to admit it? Or do you feel vindicated now that I’ve finally admitted how there is a difference between us? Or do you feel relieved now that you don’t have to continue with the charade?

Let me level with you. We’re all on different levels or at various stages. Equality just ain’t happening, now or any time soon.

Your worldview might be at, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth…” while mine is at, “In the beginning was the Word, and the word was with God and the word was God…” Your worldview might be, “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion…” while mine is, “…the kingdom of God is within you…”

On the surface, it might appear that we’re speaking the same thing, yet you know we aren’t. It is this knowing which is producing in you one of two emotions: envy or contempt. You either want to be like me, or wish that I would hurry up and be like you. Yeah, sure, you’ll continue to love me, but it’s such an ordeal at times. More often than not, the ordeal, not the love, takes the decisive, primary role of considering how we’ll deal with each other.

Wisdom, or the lack thereof, makes one haughty, prideful, egotistical, maniacal in-your-face-fist-pumping-I-told-you-so rude. So, the choice is to not pursue wisdom or hide behind the façade of humility while patiently waiting for the line to catch up with you knowing they have no intention of even moving in your direction.

Development in any discipline requires sacrifice. Your commitment of time to master the discipline is the obvious sacrifice. The hidden sacrifice is the loss of community or station. We each orbit in a sphere of like-mindedness, a body of fellowship which adheres to similar beliefs and viewpoints.

A new discipline, a new thought, a new paradigm acts like an asteroid impact to the communal body; shattering long held alignments and fracturing tectonic plates of similarity causing enormously wild gyrations in emotions and responses. Sometimes fragments fall away from the impact left to navigate their own gravitational orbit; other fragments often just fall apart, scattered about on the celestial winds, wispy dust particles from a bygone era.

Grace is a cosmic force greater than an asteroid, more powerful than any black hole. It shatters everything it touches, realigns all chaotic structures and propels hearts at breakneck speed towards the all-consuming vastness of unrequited love. When grace grabs wisdom by the jugular and transfers it’s egoic pulse with the harmony of a universal commitment to the highest union, the trappings of superiority, the last vestiges of one-upmanship dissipate into the ether of the one-man-ship.

My plateau may very well be your peak. It is, plateau or peak, however, our journey, not a destination. While the vista might appeal to a part of us, it will change only when we decide to move on. Movement is neither forward or backward in a journey, it is merely momentum towards the destination. Wisdom is neither forward or backward, it is merely the path. Grace is the illumination of the path on the journey along many levels, over many peaks, across vast chasms of uncertainty and perilous heights of doubt. We’re all on the same path, we’re not all on the same level.

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Many of you who meander through here might just be wondering what is the purpose of all of this. Me too. That probably wasn’t the response that you were looking for; not a real confidence builder, right? I mean let’s face it, time is limited and you can’t spend all day looking at information that doesn’t have some meaning behind it or will be able to enrich your life in some manner. I know I can’t. Yet, somehow, purpose is only found in what you’re looking for – not what you’re looking at.

I’ll be the first to admit that I’m no special literary genius or someone who has the pulse of the masses, able to sway their thoughts and opinions on matters of relevance. No, I’m just like you in many ways but not in many others. Let me give you some history of how a normal guy became someone looking for something specific.

In the spring of 1994 the life of my family turned upside down, inside out, stretched butt first through a knot hole, or any other metaphor that can possibly describe the effect of sh*t hitting the fan. My youngest daughter was born paralyzed from the neck down, unable to breath or move on her own. We spent the first six months of her life in the hospital, trying to determine the reason and stabilize her to bring her home.

Doctors, being the natural pessimistic sort who seem at times more concerned about protecting their practice than make a flippant boast which could be seen as a promise, told us that in cases like this (a funny expression now, since they had never seen anything like this) the patient doesn’t typically live past the age of two. The lungs are more susceptible to pneumonia, limbs become dis-jointed because of their weight and need to be amputated which can lead to infections… yada, yada. The grim reaper was definitely outclassed by these heralds of doom and gloom on that day.

Well, fast forward to today. Like training a puppy not to pee in the house, we have had occasion to rub the doctor’s smell center in the crap that spewed from their pie hole that day. We did it with dignity though – they after all are on the same journey we all are. None of the things they prophesied came to pass and our daughter, while still in the same medical condition lives at home with us and we, along with a cadre of nurses and health care aficionados, keep her living and moving through the life of a vibrant young woman with the same hopes and dreams just like any other woman of her age.

In the course of living this life and its demands we did what everyone else has done at one time or another: We cried out for purpose, meaning, help, answers, relief, peace, and life. We sought God.

Situations like ours truly make you aware that there is not a damn thing you can do…ever. We looked for the one thing that only one person could provide: A miracle. You don’t have to have a belief in God to believe in miracles – just look at our political arena to understand this. Our world was in chaos and only a word filled with hope could transform it to its intended design. We developed faith, fostered it, nurtured it, always under the hope of a miracle coming any moment.

We latched onto anyone and anything that supported our view for the miraculous. Suddenly, we were surrounded by people seeking their own miracle, each of us flailing in the sea of chaos trying to keep our head… (drowning is not an apt metaphor here because sanity is more desirable than trying to breath). We all pitched shrines to miracles we never saw but heard about all in the name of stirring our faith, as if our faith ever was in danger of burning in the pot of unreconciled despair. Our belief in a miracle working God took us far and wide, into relationships and out of relationship all in order to grab our intended hope. Yet…

Grace came. No, we arrived at grace. Wearied, battered by prolonged unfulfilled hope, we reached the shores to the last vestiges of a lost realm. No one truly knew what it looked like – still don’t – but it began a process of clearing the debris of thoughts, deep, almost hidden thoughts that were never to be spoken in mixed company or in family gatherings. We began to breath with ease an air distinct yet familiar, until …It sucker punched us!

Structures began to wobble and relationships, once thought to be everlasting, became one of the “this (fill in the blank) is the last thing I’ll ever believe…” kind of ships that pass in the dark soul of the night, ever vigilant for icebergs or cold shoulders. Suddenly, vast communities spawned by the hot inflation of the dogma and doctrine of mankind were pricked by the pierced message of a supernatural love that a kind man extended to all through a last shuddering breath. All, and also nothing, in the same moment. Faith and hope; life and death. Purpose, where purpose shouldn’t be – no it can’t be found, today even as then.

This is the journey I’m on. I know not the destination since apparently, I have already arrived. However, I keep traveling, looking at the sights with new lenses which often appear to be kaleidoscopic in nature. I find myself these days sometimes waxing poetics more than waxing the car; and seem to be immersed in the maps of others who have taken this same journey trying to recognize the ancient landmarks along a “civilized” contour.

Consider this the journal of my path towards a hope I still intend to possess, yet now, without the intentionality of a purpose devoid of process. After all, isn’t your purpose a process … a process of discovery.

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A Torturous Easter

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AK-47 or Cross Pendant?

Every Christmas time we are confronted with those particular individuals who take great joy in reminding us, “Christ is the reason for the season.” Regrettably, those same folks are silent when it comes Easter time simply because they don’t know how to address the torturous reality of a rabbit passing out decorated eggs. It might be quite possible that their silence is also an indictment of the church pursuing a hypocritical social justice narrative for all these years. If that shakes you, good. It should. Yet it does require an explanation.

For most of the life of the western church the meaning of Easter has been lost to a variety of man-made religious traditions imported from the vast clans of humanity which celebrated the spring solstice. The desert fathers of the church attempting to stay true the origins of Jesus commemorated the Jewish event of Passover and associated Jesus in the role of the lamb slain before the foundations of the world.

The desert fathers were unfortunately declared heretics for their teaching and the truth was relegated to the backwaters of distant monastic traditions swept clean through the sands of time. A narrative was adopted by the mainline church which offered a better control mechanism over the masses: The Cross.

The cross became the vehicle where all sinners died in the trial of Jesus. The cross became the mantra for the burdens of the world. The cross became the symbol for conquest over the enemy, spiritual as well as human. The cross became the accessory which adorned the rich, the poor, the believers, and the unbelievers alike. In the rush to make an idol out of two sticks no one wanted to remember the truth of it purpose: Torture by death.

Simply put, the cross was the supreme tool of torture employed by Rome to guarantee order and control of THEIR realm. It wasn’t a one-off device which western religion has sanitized to being used on a day in history when everything changed, even the calendar (BC/AD). Historians of the era record massive crucifixions before, during, and after the life of Jesus. The only thing unique about the cross was that everyone knew what its purpose was and what led to being placed upon it.

However, the church figured that the cross needed to be re-branded. Well, not all of the crosses, just the one which Jesus hung on. Even the two thieves which were crucified nest to Jesus weren’t afforded the same luxury of the corporate trademark having their platform diminished in stature and appearance whenever displayed as the propaganda required.

Let me ask you a question: How would you feel if say a hundred generations from today people hung a pendant around their neck or a sticker on their vehicle which resembled an AK-47 and quipped, “Jesus saves?” I assure you, there is absolutely no difference in the meaning of the emblem! Even harder to swallow is the truth that Jesus does not save you from torture! According to the propaganda of the cross, Jesus only saves you in mortal death, not from it.

Spiritual Truth Missed

The church will tell you that Jesus died for the “sins” of the world. Interpreted correctly, Jesus died because the world “fell short and missed the mark of the target they were aiming for.” This is the failure of the church – they missed the spiritual to pursue the power of the world. No one likes to hear this, but truth doesn’t pander to feelings. So, what is truth, Pilate asks Jesus.

I have briefly written on this here and here, but it needs to brought out in better fashion in order to soothe the ruffled feathers you’re displaying. The doctrine of the church has focused its crosshairs on the wrong symbol. It is not death – it is life! The following are what Jesus had to say on the subject:

Joh 3:14-16
(14) And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up:
(15) That whoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.
(16) For God so loved the world, that he gave his only-begotten Son, that whoever believeth in him, should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Joh 11:25-26
(25) Jesus said to her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:
(26) And whoever liveth, and believeth in me, shall never die. Believest thou this?

Joh 10:10
(10) The thief cometh not, but to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.

Joh 2:19
(19) Jesus answered and said to them, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.

Life is the mission of Jesus toward humanity, not death. If you doubt this, then allow me to explain the reason for the crucifixion occurring on Passover and not on Yom Kippur, the day of Atonement.

The church would have you believe that Jesus is the lamb slain for the sins of the world. This goes completely against the Jewish customs. First a lamb was never to be used for a sin offering – it was always a goat. The wild randy character of the goat is a depiction of the nature of a fallen human. The offering of a goat for sins was specifically mandated to occur in a fall ceremony known as Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement.

The Passover celebration is a spring festivity commemorating the deliverance of Israel from Egypt. In the first occurrence of this, Moses instructed the children of Israel to slay a young lamb and place the blood from the lamb upon the doorposts and lintel of their homes. This was a sign to the angel of death which was to pass through the land enacting the tenth curse by slaying the first born of Egypt. When the angel came to a place where the blood was applied, it would “pass over” the house and all who resided inside would live.

Sin has nothing to do with Passover. Passover has everything to do with a life free from the shackles of bondage and living that life more abundantly. Jesus upped the ante by stating that believing in him will give everlasting eternal life. This is not for some time frame after your mortal coil passes from this world, but a truth this very moment. This truth does not hinge on any confession and repentance of sins. It merely requires your belief that he meant what he said. The guarantee of his word is clearly represented not in the cross but in the empty tomb. He said in three days after they destroyed his temple, he would raise it up and he did that very thing! Since Jesus did it, we all can do it too.

Now I recognize how there are some out there who revere what they call “the work of the cross” and encourage people follow after Jesus in his ordeal. But ask yourself, would Father God torture his child to demonstrate His love for him? Jesus asked a similar question about us giving a stone or snake to our child as proof of our love. Since we know what an act of love is like, surely torture, particularly the kind which intends to kill, cannot be seen as an act of love from the God who is love.

This season there are going to be a multitude of pageants presented across the church spectrum idolizing the passion and crucifixion of Jesus. Very little mention will be made of a vow endorsed by a vacant rented tomb which is ultimately the symbol of a fully lived life. Easter is supposed to be about an abundant life, not torture leading to death. There is no good found anywhere in the cross. There is only love found in a stone that rolled to reveal the mystery of life.

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A Reading List Worth Considering

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If there is one thing which anyone knows about me, it is how I love to read. This is rather funny considering that when I was in Mrs. Johnson’s third grade class, I fought tooth and nail with her and my parents not to read. I dabbled a lit bit when I was teenager, but the reading bug never hit me until I graduated from tech school. Today my library holds over 1,000 books on a variety of subjects from business and economics to American history, construction and woodworking to psychology and personal development.

The largest section in my library encompasses the area of religion/spirituality. I have over the course of the past 7 years actually purged this section quite a lot, probably down 200 books from its height. I am a firm proponent in that if it doesn’t align with your current view after 6 months, it needs to go.

However, spirituality is an evolving reality in most of us and to toss something out on a contrived date really isn’t a proven system yet. Yes, there have been instances when I purged a few books then I went and purchased them again sometime later because their message resonated with the place where I was currently at.

Being an avid reader, my friends have tried to stay abreast with me in what I am currently reading. I must admit that it is not easy for them since I often am in the middle of several books at one time covering multiple areas of interest. Often when they ask, I try to determine what they are seeking in a book and whether they are prepared to entertain what I am currently reading or whether an older book better fits their interests.

My Favorite Books

I have had a number of people recently ask what my favorite book is, or which one has had the greatest impact on my world view. Answering this question is difficult because each one that I have read has left a mark on my development. So, to provide you with my favorite isn’t going to further this discussion any further either.

However, I am going to offer an alternative. Since I don’t know what your perspective is in this arena we call life, I am going to provide you with somewhat of a review of books from various authors which touch on a number of matters within a range of abilities. To some of you these books may seem humdrum or way over your head. I leave the decision up to you on how you wish to proceed with the information I will provide.

As a teacher, my entire purpose is to explore different interpretations of insight expecting the Spirit to highlight the flesh of truth and discard the bones. I know that this has been the case with me in selecting the books I read. Spirit knows what I need at each particular moment of my life and has brought the right book into my path time and again. So, while you may pass over a certain book or author on what follows, it may come back to you at a later date.

The Road Less Traveled

There is a path here that I must divulge to. Actually, you stand at a fork and must determine which course you are going to take. One path before you is clearly trodden by the masses of historic theological rhetoric. Denominations of all kinds have taken this route and so trampled the spiritual landscape that it is difficult to see how there could even be a spiritual presence on the trail. It’s safe – but the end of the destination is mired by a languished robotic plodding throughout a lifetime of dullness of the senses.

The second path is dark and wild looking from the get-go. It too is a safe trail but the appearance of a sign of heresy has been planted by those who decided to take the first path. The spiritual terrain is always fresh and rejuvenated daily, possibly by the few numbers who throughout history have traversed the land. Whereas the first path has signposts almost every few feet describing the achievements from past generations, along this path the markers are more like an oasis that nurtures the soul on an extended journey.

On the first path there are billboards promoting the destination of a faith hoped for. The same destination on the second path seems like a mirage fading in and out of focus with no reminder except through a rested assurance. Herein is where many falter through uncertainty on the second path feeling that they made a mistake and scurry about looking for any route to certainty which will return them to the first path.

There are a rare few, who having traveled a distance along the first path, halted their journey and elected to reverse course to enter onto the second path. These unique individuals express this move as a “calling from the deep.” Their revised journey awakens their true identity and magnetizes their resolve to allow them to be pulled onward and upward.

I offer this description to you as a warning because, whether you recognize it or not, you’re already on one of these paths. Yes, each path has authors who have assembled their collective diaries and journals to present a snapshot of what they perceive to be reality. As you might expect the published works from the first path are numerous as a whole, not to mention even within the denominational terrain. The published works from the second path, while fewer in number, are indicative of the nature of the oasis they linger at: inviting, refreshing and inspiring.

Grace has been my focus since 2012. I’ve written extensively on the subject both here and in the many books I have authored. To embark on this assignment with me, I am extending grace to you since I recognize how some of these books will challenge your faith tremendously which will change how you interact within your faith community. Some will dismiss these books due to their own tightly held doctrinal beliefs (first path sojourners) while there is silence from others (second path sojourners).

As a sidebar to this endeavor, I must let you know that I receive no monies from the endorsement or promotion of these books either from the author, publisher, or affiliated retailers and their links. Any bias I have is simply mine and is not swayed by any monetary gain.

A Starting Line

Any project you undertake must start somewhere. Some will recognize that progress is built on the shoulders of those who have been before us. The Apostle Paul stated that everything must be founded on the rock of Christ. I could start by offering books that I began reading on my journey, however, most of those have been purged over the years. Therefore, I am going to start with where I’m at now since “now” is really all that matters.

In case you haven’t realized it yet, I’m a second path traveler. Hence, I could offer to you a series of books from the likes of Meister Eckert, Brother Lawrence, George MacDonald, Jacob Boehme, St. Teresa of Avila, and many more but those are voices from the distant past and is a foreign as Shakespeare is to rap music because we don’t have ears attuned to it. So, I am going to offer voices which are more current, who speak the language of the recent generations and yet recognize the valuable truths of a foundation built on Christ. To this end, let me begin.

Joel S. Goldsmith

Joel S. Goldsmith (1892-1964) is the founder of the Infinite Way, a spiritual teaching with principles which anyone can follow and practice without any religious affiliation. The office for the Infinite Way was established in 1951 and still offers materials, internet classes, books and teaching from the vast archive of lectures which Joel recorded during his ministry. His monthly letters to his ministry supporters have been collected into books which are a treasure trove of insight into the practice of the Infinite Way.

Of the 56 books published by Goldsmith, I have read and reread 43 of them. For me to make a recommendation as to where to start is difficult, but If you’re new to Joel’s writings the best place would probably be the book The Infinite Way where Joel lays out the basis for the teachings he uncovered.
In this writing you will be introduced to Christ consciousness; meditation and prayer; the source of all supply; metaphysical healing; and the immortality of being. There is a chapter devoted to the wisdoms of the Infinite Way also. The following are a few gems from this chapter:

“To an advanced student: You have reached the place where you know every truth that can be known, understood, or received humanly. Now you must reach higher for the Truth what reveals Itself through spiritual means – without human means of communication.”

“There is no such thing as ‘my harmony,’ ‘my health,’ or ‘my supply.’ His peace passeth all understanding. His grace is sufficient.”

“Consciousness lives Itself – you do not live It.”

“Any response on a lower plane than pure consciousness is from one’s self rather than one’s Self.”

While this has been a glimpse into the beginning of Joel’s first writings on the Infinite Way, it is foundational to all the writings which follow it in the evolution of the Infinite Way message. This is one book you will reread time and again with fresh eyes.

When I first encountered the writings of Joel Goldsmith, I was profoundly struck by the simple spiritual truths conveyed through his insights. Time after time, page after page I would stop, scratch my head and exclaim, “Where has this been all my life?” or “Why hasn’t anyone ever brought this out until now?” I quickly realized that highlighting a passage or making notes in the margins wasn’t going to hack it in the wealth I was discovering. The least intrusive method became dog-earing the bottom of the page for a great passage and the top of the page for the entire page or section.

The one book with the most dog-eared pages is entitled, Consciousness is what I Am. It is a collection of Joel’s messages given in multiple venues during the last few years of his life in this realm. Having read this more times than I can count, only 20 of its 143 pages aren’t dog-eared – yet! This book, more than any other book I have suggested to friends, has wrecked the spiritual house of cards people have built up around themselves.

If there is one item I can directly connect to these writings of Joel, it must be a deep and profound appreciation and understanding of what I have described as the Omni-God. Our western religious institutions are simply bankrupt from any teaching of this fundamental nature of God. Meditating on this nature of God is an endeavor I wholly recommend if you are serious about advancing your spiritual journey. If you doubt the veracity of this advice, then you’re probably not ready for the next series of books.

Paul F. Gorman

Paul Gorman, author of The Miracle Self and 22 other books, credits the very existence of his writings to the Infinite Way writings of Joel Goldsmith. Gorman has taken the principles of Goldsmith and updated their use in a way which applies to the various issues which confront humanity today. Rather than relying on a preponderance of biblical citations to drive home his point, Gorman has the faith to allow his reader to adapt the meaning of a single biblical reference into their daily lives by demonstrating the many facets such a reference might reflect.

My go-to book by Gorman is entitled, One. This book will plunge you deep in a dive into an expansive understanding of the Omni-God and the claim made by Jesus, “My Father and I are one.” I can assure you that while this is written in simple language, it does not read swiftly since insights, which must be pondered upon, jump off each turning of the page. In the end, you are One with what you have read. Here is a sample of what I am referring to:

“It is a strange thing that as we seek God for corporeal good, we cannot find it, but as we seek God for God alone, we find God everywhere as corporeal good.

The reason is that God is one. If we bring even one additional idea or name to one, if we add even one belief, then we have two, which is not one. One cannot be two; one can only be one, and is only evident in a conscious state of oneness.”

From these two authors I could spend quite some time reviewing the 79 total books they offer. However, this is not about what I’ve read more than what you intend to do to begin the second path journey you face. I have present to you just two authors who are more than eager to assist you in this venture. There are more authors and I will unveil them over the next few writings. For now, you need to find a book or a teaching that can challenge your perceptions of reality and meditate on it. There is a reason the path you’re on is less traveled – discovery awaits only those of a strong heart.

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How Not to Build a Church

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I must confess to you that I haven’t been to any “western” church since 2019. The last church I was a part of disbanded due to a change in beliefs with the orthodoxy required by the denominational group overseeing the people. The entire ordeal (perfectly orchestrated by the Father) left a few of us who had eyes to see and ears to hear with a passion for truth which the remainder felt too hard to follow.

Since the day of our dissolution, we few have continued to meet weekly in the same building we occupied all the previous years (a story in itself) determined to walk out our spiritual journey together. To try to describe all the insights and changes which have followed each of us on this journey would take far too long to tell you. You can probably fathom many of those changes in myself simply by reading my posts from that year up to now.

Some organizations might recognize us merely as a home group, while others would claim that our actions are simply a book club. Frankly, it matters not what others think or feel. We know that we are the same church which Jesus spoke of to Simon Peter.

Mat 16:18
And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

I recognize how there will be push back on this posting from those who believe that their church is the true definition of what a church is. I, however, would ask them to tell me how “their” church is exactly like the church which Jesus said he would build.

The Looming Question

Before I explain my position on what a church should look like, allow me to describe the model of the western church which is prevalent today. I have had a lot of time to reflect on this because the looming thought I have been wrestling with is, “If I had a church, what would it look like?” This question had to address who would be attending; what they would be a part of; what would be its purpose in their lives and its impact within their community; what would be the structure of the gathering, and many other functions which define a church setting.

Consider this as the demographic issue of today’s church consumer. There is a wide population base of churched people who have left the confines of the church. Young families, who often remain, do so until their last child reaches the final year of high school. They then begin the transition of moving away from the formal environment of the church seeking a less stringent atmosphere to practice their faith.

Then there are the more mature adherents found within the church who will begin transitioning away from the church simply due to their age. Many who have spent decades in the pews are finding the message and the priorities more tailored for the young families than those who have been the die-hards of the organization.

Notice this demographic doesn’t address the rest of the community who never has entered a church or whose regular church attendance is only at Easter and/or Christmas. Church leaders recognize that there are not enough resources (people and finances) to entertain this great group of the “unbelieving.” Rarely do these leaders even consider how their model of the church message doesn’t draw people into their establishment and actually is what repels most.

The Western Model

I recognize that many, if not most, who are reading this are “churched” people. So, you have a particular bias as to what the church is like. But for a moment, try to suspend your perceptions and look at this from the perspective of the who are the unchurched, those who Jesus refers to as those from the highways and byways. What follows are their perceptions of the nature of how church appears to be.

The prevalent depiction across all denominations is that mankind is a wretch wallowing in sin seeking to hide from a divine being who is intent on eternally punishing them. There is the slightest chance of favor allowed to mankind only if they accept how the son of this divine being came to earth and endured all the trials and tribulations of being human while attempting to preach a message of peace and forgiveness to a people who beat him and subsequently crucified him.

The favor hinges on the mechanism of the spilt blood of the son being the ransom payment to the wrathful divine being for all the sins of humanity across all time and the acknowledgment that this son is now the Lord of the life of only those who confess their sins have been redeemed by the son’s actions. Only this sincere confession, and living a moral and just lifestyle, changes a wrathful God into a loving God who will still judge humanity, living and the dead, at the end of times and select those who will spend eternity in heaven or hell.

It is possible that I might have missed certain elements in this description which being a “churched” person you may have noticed or even taken an exception to. However, this is their perception of what you belong to, and since you belong, it also means you believe – maybe not all of it – but enough to stay committed to the whole of it. As shocking as it might seem, the unchurched don’t believe this is a healthy way to have a relationship with God. Do you?

The Church of Jesus

Jesus said he would build his church. But just what is he building it on that the western church seems to have missed? Let me provide the context behind the verse from Matthew using the Message translation.

Mat 16:13-20 MSG
(13) When Jesus arrived in the villages of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, “What are people saying about who the Son of Man is?”
(14) They replied, “Some think he is John the Baptizer, some say Elijah, some Jeremiah or one of the other prophets.”
(15) He pressed them, “And how about you? Who do you say I am?”
(16) Simon Peter said, “You’re the Christ, the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”
(17) Jesus came back, “God bless you, Simon, son of Jonah! You didn’t get that answer out of books or from teachers. My Father in heaven, God himself, let you in on this secret of who I really am.
(18) And now I’m going to tell you who you are, really are. You are Peter, a rock. This is the rock on which I will put together my church, a church so expansive with energy that not even the gates of hell will be able to keep it out.
(19) “And that’s not all. You will have complete and free access to God’s kingdom, keys to open any and every door: no more barriers between heaven and earth, earth and heaven. A yes on earth is yes in heaven. A no on earth is no in heaven.”
(20) He swore the disciples to secrecy. He made them promise they would tell no one that he was the Messiah.

So let me explain to you just how I would explain this passage to an unchurched person. Understand, this is rather novel for churched people to see how Jesus doesn’t have anything near the requirements which the religious people of the western church think need to be accomplished for a church to exist.

Jesus and his gang of twelve are traveling through the countryside. Jesus has performed many amazing fetes and people are talking about him wherever he goes. Jesus asks his disciples who do these people say they think he is. Because of the works he has performed the people think that Jesus must be one of the prophets of old, or even his outspoken cousin.

Jesus directs his attention to who the disciples think he is by asking Simon the same question. What Simon blurts out has up until this point in the entirety of Jesus’ ministry never been spoken. The people haven’t even gone as far as what Peter will announce. “You’re the Christ, the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”

The response which Jesus then gives is the secret to the church which Jesus will build. “God bless you, Simon, son of Jonah! You didn’t get that answer out of books or from teachers. My Father in heaven, God himself, let you in on this secret of who I really am.”

Jesus didn’t say how Simon had to say a prayer of repentance or attend a series of beginner’s classes to belong to a church. He did not mention anything about acknowledging Jesus as Lord and savior of mankind or about his blood being the ransom price for the deliverance of all humanity from their sins. No, what Jesus declares breaks away from every tradition known to mankind then, and still these days. God, the Father, revealed something to a human without an intermediary there to interpret it!

This fact that God can reveal himself to every person regardless of the time of day or day of the week was as shocking then as it seems to be today. Yet this is what Jesus claims to be the only entry point to his church; and it is so important that it is foundational to recognizing why his church is so powerful.

I have already written about the explanation to the phrase “gates of hell” here, so I’m not going to go down that road today. It is the final claim which Jesus offers which is indicative of a powerful church: Unhindered access to the kingdom of God where heaven and earth are one and the same. With this as the yardstick to what a church should look like, the question which begs to be asked is, “Does this sound like your church?” I’m fairly certain that you lack a response favorable to the model of Jesus.

My Church

I recall some time ago when my wife kept asking our son to come to church with us, he would refuse saying that his church was better. When she asked him where his church was, he said that his church was in the great outdoors. How were we to deny, “Creation declares the glory of the Lord,” from a son who grew up in the church?

I offer that insight as a means to advance what my church would be like. The primary thing which must be stressed is how everyone can hear from the Father on their own no matter when or where they are. This is the one thing which the western church seems to intentionally ignore simply because to proclaim it and welcome it into a congregation means the control the leadership possess must be forfeited to any claim made by anyone that, “God said to me…” is valid. This attitude, however founded, misses the greater understanding of the grace of an omni-God which I have written about extensively.

When I state, as Jesus did, that the Father and I are one, I am declaring truth just as you are when you do the same thing. If we stand beside each other and testify of the same truth, we are required to deny the illusion of separation between each other as well as between us and the Father. This is difficult! You and I clearly are not one. We are…

Therein lies the strength of the western model church: Difference. The simple fact of the multitude of denominations across the globe is testimony to this situation. If two denominations can’t declare they are one with each other as they are to the Father, then how can either expect to see the promise Jesus offered to the church? If any denomination cannot see and defend the oneness of all creation with themselves as with the Father, how can heaven and earth be the same?

Lastly, and this is a big one, this church model I am offering needs to stress that there will be no believers allowed to express their projections of how people should believe. Beliefs, rather than truth, have been the greatest downfall to the western church. Beliefs are man-made. Truth is eternal. Beliefs by their very existence create division. Truth is always one. Beliefs create an “other” out of thin air. There is no “other” but God.

I recognize how this might appear as some lofty pipe dream to many of you. Yet, what if it is doable and aligns with the church Jesus says he will build? I’m not going to ask if you believe it can be done simply because of what I just said about beliefs. I am asking you to consider the possibility. Jesus declared that with God all things are possible. IF you want to see something different, you can’t go through the same motions of the past expecting to get a different result. That is the mentality of a gambler. Albert Einstein said, “God does not play dice with the universe.” Why should you?

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Bound by Circumstances

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I would like you to consider the following scenarios as I delve into this matter.

Scene 1
A sizeable group of college age people are waving signs and shouting loudly outside of a government building demanding the withdrawal of all military forces from the Middle East.
Scene 2
You are traveling down the road behind a dilapidated RV with out of state plates. The vehicle is swerving to-and-fro causing the items strapped down on the back to jostle violently.
Scene 3
You are standing in the checkout line of your grocery store listening to the wailing of two small waiting in front of you as the woman with the children is talking on her cell phone.
Scene 4
You are stopped at a light waiting to make a right turn. A unkept man is attempting to cross the street and stops in front of your vehicle and begins yelling profanities and flailing his arms violently while looking at you.

These scenes are just a taste of the circumstances many encounter daily. One, or possibly two, of these very scenes have happened to you during the previous week. So, while the memory of this is still fresh let me ask you to do a little experiment. What was your first belief as you read each of these scenes? What other beliefs came up after reading them? If you have experienced one of these scenes recently, what was your first belief when you encountered it? Has that belief changed since the event? If so, how has it changed?

Chained to Traditions

I wrote about the difference between belief and truth recently. In that message I relayed how there are universal beliefs which every society holds. Many of these beliefs have become called “traditions” by those who adhere to them. Any attempt to change them is often met with contempt, scorn, and hatred.

Jesus said our traditions make the word of God to have no effect. This is because as long as your traditional beliefs are being place before you when you face a person or situation, you have eliminated any means for the Kingdom of God to operate through you.

The spiritual truth of every matter is that God does not work by your belief. He does not work by your faith if it is based on your belief. He does not work on matter – God is Spirit – He only works by the Spirit in the spiritual realm of His Kingdom.

Jesus is approached by a man who is seeking healing for his son. Jesus asks him if he believes he can heal the boy. The man responds, “Yes, but help my unbelief.” Unbelief is still a belief.

In my last post I introduced the term “a pair of opposites.” I stated how all beliefs are based on a pair of opposites such as good/bad or light/dark or right/wrong. In each of the scenes I offered above there are a pair of opposites underlying each of them which only you have defined by your belief about them. Can you identify the pair of opposites from what you believe?

Jesus said it is the truth you know which sets you free. However, when circumstances arise in our lives, we default to our past limiting beliefs to navigate through the mess. The freedom of truth flies out the window because the “belief” of unbelief is more addictive than Truth.

Just the Truth

With each scene presented there is one truth for all of them. This truth applies to every person and/or situation you encounter every minute of every day. You need to meditate on this truth every day until it becomes an integral part of your life. Yes, you will have to work at this. Reading it once will not do you any good trying to fix things. What is this truth?

God is. The omnipresent God is One and there is no other. God is eternal and knows all things, is ALL in ALL. There is only one power, and that power is God, there is no other. God sees All as very good (without opposite). God is Spirit and His kingdom is a spiritual kingdom which is within you, me, and everyone in His creation. God cannot give you anything because He can’t give more than what He is. His kingdom is whole, abundant, eternal, overflowing. Each of us is the vessel of God which He pours out His spiritual influence into the material realm. God does not believe in you because you and Him are one, not two. God is love (without opposite).

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Judging: A Pair of Opposites Part 2

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Part 1 found here.

The root of a pair opposites is a continuum between extremes. Light and dark; good and bad; truth and falsehood; life and death, and so many others. The first pair of opposites in the bible is associated with knowledge, specifically the knowledge of mankind.

God is omniscient, all knowing. All knowledge is God. Yet, mankind, like God, has the ability to think, to obtain and act upon knowledge. When mankind is one with God, all knowledge flows in the spiritual realm from God to His creation. However, when mankind’s knowledge is founded upon a sense-based pair of opposites, it becomes the product of God “and” thinking which results in death.

We often fail to notice many things in the Genesis 2:17 account of the birth of a pair of opposites. Foremost, the incorporeal God, Spirit, Love, Consciousness is speaking to man who is both corporeal (made from the dust of the ground) and incorporeal (in the image and likeness of God). The fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil introduces the concept and perception of death to immortal beings. This is in contradiction to the other prominent tree in the Garden, the tree of Life, whose fruit is stated to impart healing to all the nations.

The Consequence of a Pair of Opposites

I have written in previous posts (here, here, and here just to name a few) about the subject of desire. While I might potentially repeat myself in what follows, I hope to provide a rounder perspective of this topic while emphasizing the role of a pair of opposites.

The actions depicted in the third chapter of Genesis are well known by every believer. For the moment, I am going to ask you to suspend whatever you were taught in Miss Jones Sunday morning bible class about the characters in the narrative. Consider how today we live over 3,000 years from when the original manuscript was crafted. Our understanding and vocabulary far exceeds any of the people in the book at the time of its writing. Concepts not wholly understood then, now have people who are specialist who write or teach in this field of endeavor and professionally administer clinical treatment to many.

In order to proceed I am with this I am going to need you to recognize how the “talking snake” in Genesis 3 is more than like a concept which the original writer could not explain. Allow me to offer an option which will better fit our discussion: The Ego.

Your Ego is Not your Amigo

I don’t intend to get all Freudian here and take this down a long dark psychiatric path. I am merely inputting a term and its associated concepts into the narrative to give it a clearer representation of the events.

We have been instructed in a number of ways that the ego is the basis of our pride, which leads to our downfall when it is not constrained properly. We have been indoctrinated how the ego influences the mind which becomes enmity with God.

The ego is a survival mechanism. It keeps us alive in a number of situations where competing forces try to extract a part of our life from us. The ego uses the application of desires to promote our well-being within a mind-filled competition of a pair of opposites.

Consider how the “talking snake” speaks to the woman using words which craft desires for the fruit. This “self-talk” of the ego is the inner battle of the survival skill to eat. The weighing of varying aspects to determine the viability of a substance, product, endeavor, relationship, or any of a number of other occurrences is what the ego is designed to do.

This activity is continually going on throughout our daily lives. What must be recognized is that the outcome from this activity is not always beneficial to our survival.

Ego – Judge, Jury, and Executioner

At all times, remain aware that the real you is not the ego. Refuse to identify with it.
David R. Hawkins. M.D., Ph. D., The Ego is not the Real You

As a survival mechanism the ego develops into a proponent of duality. Each of us must make decisions which insure our survival on a minute-by-minute basis. These decisions are always founded on perceptions of what is best (good) or worst (bad) case scenarios which we play out in our mind. Because our perceptions are continually evolving the scenarios we play out are constantly changing too. This is emotionally and psychologically draining.

To circumvent this interplay, we often establish a benchmark or ideal which every situation must measure up to. If it can’t, it is immediately discounted and relegated to a “lost” thought. When a situation meets or exceeds the standard, it fortifies our ego as being righteous, able to secure our survival. When this is taken to an extreme, the belief structure it establishes has generally been characterized as being “self-righteous.”

Belief structures are essentially a duality based on a pair of opposites. As I’ve said previously, many of the beliefs which each of us presently operate from are ones which we never developed but adopted from previous generations. Somewhere in time someone made a judgement call which supported the survival of an individual or community and a jury of peers deemed the action to be vital to their continued well-being. Anyone who disagreed with the choice was subject to ridicule, banishment, imprisonment, or even possible death. Because beliefs hold such power over a person, community, state, or nation it is very difficult to revise, amend, or even remove an outdated belief.

Here are the scriptures I referenced in Part 1 which will be addressed in this section:

Mat 7:1-5  Judge not, that ye be not judged.  (2)  For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.  (3)  And why beholds thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considers not the beam that is in thine own eye?  (4)  Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?  (5)  Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.

Joh 7:24  Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.

Joh 8:15  Ye judge after the flesh; I judge no man.

Joh 12:47  And if any man hear my words, and believe not, I judge him not: for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world.

Righteous Judgment

Everyone thinks that they are capable of judging a matter righteously. Claiming a dependence on all moral upbringing, we rely on the spectrum defined by a pair of opposites to decree a matter to be justifiable. Unfortunately, we then come into awareness of the passage from Matthew 7:1-5 where the Master, Jesus, teaches that we are not to judge anything or anyone lest we be judged also. He clearly demonstrates that our own judgements are impeded by the “beam in our eye” indicating that our perception about a matter is clearly diminished.

The passages from the book of John establish how Jesus viewed judgment as a sense-based matter founded upon the survival mechanism of the ego. In John 12 he clearly was not concerned whether people believed him since he never came to judge people but to save the world. Herein lies the novel message of his ministry: Salvation does not involve beliefs on a pair of opposites; it is recognizing the oneness of All with the Father.

You may need to read that last sentence again. Religion has indoctrinated all of us about how we are a “fallen” being needing a “savior” to “redeem” us from an entity who is responsible for the eternal damnation of our soul. This entire narrative is loaded with a pair of opposites competing with true harmony in this life. There is not an ounce of truth to it when it is faced with the kingdom of God’s righteousness which has already decreed that ALL is very good – without opposite.

Religion cannot fathom how it is possible that anything can be good, without opposite, when there is so much in the world which is evidently the opposite in a multitude of situations. This has led many societies to craft beliefs which explain the existence of the opposite while defending the communal perception of “good.” These belief structures became the responsibility of a class of people who were committed to seeing that any belief which was contrary to the socially acceptable belief was suppressed and even eradicated. Such are the social norms of judgement – good for me, not for thee.

One for ALL as ALL in ALL

The vast majority of people I speak to about this issue of Jesus teaching how we are not supposed to judge is met with the same set of questions. “How is this even practical? I’m not Jesus, so how could he even suggest it is possible for me? Am I not supposed to judge anything or anyone even if I have never seen or heard of them?” The response to these questions is never what people think simply because they operate from a platform where they are thinking dualistically. In other words, they believe in an “other.”

Jesus declared in the book of John that he and the Father are one. This claim sent shockwave throughout the religious community of his day. They had placed major restrictions and punishments for anyone who identified themselves to be equal with GOD. Jesus never made this claim. There is a great deal of difference between claiming to be equal with God and stating that you are one with God.

Being one with God means there is no “other.” One is one, right? Equal is a product of two or more who never lose their distinction. Now I recognize how some of you might claim that I am playing a game of semantics, however, consider these two claims from Isaiah, “…I am God, and there is none else…” If God says there is none else, there clearly cannot be an “other.”

Now obviously this poses a dilemma if you have always considered God “and” you to be separate and distinct. (It also explains the primary reason why your prayer life sucks. But that comes later.) Whenever you throw an “and” into a discussion you are creating a judgeable situation around a pair of opposites. You, me, those around you, even those you have no knowledge of are ALL one with the Father. God is. The omnipresent God is in ALL. There is none else. In ALL as ALL.

Being one with and as ALL clearly means that there is no “other.” If there is no other, there can be no platform for judgement. I’ll say it again: There is no platform for judgement when there is no “other.”
This is difficult to accept when your entire life has been founded upon the belief in an “other.” Even to look about you and see situations which are not harmonious, loving, or abundant creates an internal tension to speak against it. But it is ALL one with God. Yes, appearances can tell you the opposite of this, but God is – not God was, or God will be – God is. Appearances are not what they seem to be.

What about you? Yes, “what about you?” is a good (without opposite) question. How do you think God would answer this? It might be time to go find out for “yourself.”

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Judging: A Pair of Opposites Part 1

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This writing is going to start with the time-honored tradition of cherry-picking scriptures to support my point. (Actually, I don’t have a point needing support. The topic speaks for itself.)

Gen 1:26-27 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth. (27) So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
Gen 1:31 And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good.
Gen 2:17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eat thereof thou shalt surely die.
Gen 3:9-11 And the LORD God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where art thou? (10) And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself. (11) And he said, Who told thee that thou was naked? Hast thou eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat?
Mat 7:1-5 Judge not, that ye be not judged. (2) For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. (3) And why beholds thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considers not the beam that is in thine own eye? (4) Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye? (5) Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.
Joh 7:24 Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.
Joh 8:15 Ye judge after the flesh; I judge no man.
Joh 12:47 And if any man hear my words, and believe not, I judge him not: for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world.

The Foundation

Man was, and is, created in the image and likeness of his Creator, God, Awareness, Consciousness, Love. This confounds many simply because no one has seen God. The Master, Jesus, clarified this for us when he stated how the Father is Spirit and if you have seen him (Jesus), then you have seen the Father. Within these two claims we come to understand Genesis’ terms of image and likeness.

Image is what the form appears as. Think of what a mirror offers to all who look at it. They see an image. This image is exactly a portrayal of the object which is before it. The image is based on the physical ability to see a material substance, object, or form. The image is therefore sense based. For those individuals who don’t have the sense of sight, the image can be assessed through any of the other four senses.

Likeness is the nature and characteristics of the form, substance, or object. Likeness is not based on material sense. Likeness is just as God is. Likeness is the innate interior property of form, substance, or object. We perceive likeness as it is demonstrated. We often claim how a child is like their parent within the context of a particular action. This, however, is only a singular aspect of likeness since it is only viable through the senses. Since God is spirit, mankind too is spirit. This is the likeness beyond the senses.

The Birth of a Pair of Opposites

In the beginning of all creation there were no opposites. God is one. God is All in All. God is omnipresent. God is. We like to say that God is love, or God is good, or a whole treasure trove of adjectives based upon our thoughts. Truth declares God is. Every characteristic springs from there.

All of creation is determined and declared to be very good on the sixth day. That proclamation is the decisive act of grace upon ALL. Good is the likeness of grace.

Opposites are two or more. This puts a real chink in the thought realm of mankind. It creates God “and” thinking. Since God is one there can be no God “and.” However, there is still the belief of it being so. Every belief is based solely upon a pair of opposites, but I’ll address this later.

We have been instructed how the creation of the man and the woman made the first pair of opposites. This is not so. It is clearly stated that the man and woman shall be one. This might lead some to say then mankind and God are opposites. The Master, Jesus, clearly dismissed this when he proclaimed that he and his Father are one.

Consider this: God is good (without opposite); all creation is very good (without opposite). To make the distinction of “without opposite” is rather jarring to your sensibilities. It forces you to take out of the narrative the opposite you naturally assume is lurking in the shadows.

Judging: A Pair of Opposites Part 2

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Making Sense – Seek First

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In my early religious upbringing, there was a great emphasis placed on understanding the Kingdom of God. The teachers I followed all expounded on the works offered by the late Dr. Myles Munroe who set the standard for breaking down the various components of the kingdom. I have a number of Dr. Munroe’s books and sermon sets sitting on my library shelves still. And yet there is even something missing for me in these materials – something which doesn’t quite fulfill the whole message.

Often the opening of a revelation is given in a simple thought or word. My recent revelation on the kingdom came through the word “incorporeal.” You wouldn’t think much of it since by its very nature it defines something which isn’t tangible, something not seen, touched, heard, smelt, or tasted. But this concept is vital to truly understanding all scripture. Allow me to demonstrate with the foundational teaching presented by the Master, Jesus.

Mat 6:24-33
(24) No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
(25) Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?
(26) Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?
(27) Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?
(28) And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:
(29) And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.
(30) Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?
(31) Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?
(32) (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.
(33) But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
Joh 4:24
(24) God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

According to my past kingdom teachings the most important item to remember is wherever the King is, His kingdom is also. A king can never be separated from His kingdom. When we historically look about our world this truth is evident in the many kingdoms there have been. Remnants of some of these kingdoms, and the royalty which defines them, still abide throughout parts of the world.

This brings us to the second item to remember: The character of the King defines the atmosphere of His kingdom. We have seen kingdoms of this world rise and fall based upon this simple truth. There are several examples of this principle even recorded in the biblical narrative.

Now none of this is earth-shaking new. And the reason is simple: All of us have physical evidence we can reference. This evidence is “corporeal.” It is sense-based. We can touch, see, smell, hear, or taste it. The entirety of our experiences in this world is sense-based. This poses a problem when Jesus tells us to, “…seek ye first the kingdom of God.”

How? What does seeking imply? Using our senses to discover. Is the kingdom of God corporeal? Can you touch, see, smell, hear, or taste it? No. Why? Because God is Spirit, incorporeal. To think otherwise is not Truth and a failure to recognize His righteousness.

Take note how Jesus conveys to the people what their deepest needs are. Money, food, drink, and clothing are our everyday concerns. We spend the vast majority of our waking hours trying to secure these things in some fashion. We are so focused on the corporeal that we miss the whole purpose of what Jesus said was the most important thing: Seek the incorporeal.

God knows you need the corporeal, sense-based items you are expending all your energies upon. How could an omniscient being not know? Yet we don’t think He does. Jesus says that we are doing it all wrong. Search out the incorporeal kingdom of the Spirit and the truth of this incorporeal kingdom and all the corporeal “things” we desire will be added to us. “You have not because you ask amiss.”

This is not the only time Jesus attempted to focus the people on the incorporeal kingdom of God. Consider this passage:

Luk 17:20-21
(20) And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation:
(21) Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.

Notice again how Jesus is clearly saying that the sense-based methods of this world are not going to help you locate the kingdom of God. This kingdom is within you. This King is within you. The throne of grace this kingdom functions from is within you. You are incorporeal first and foremost then corporeal only as a manifestation of this kingdom within you. How is this possible? Do you not know you have the Spirit of God within you?

Trying to make sense of it all

I recognize how this is a difficult matter to adjust to. Our entire life has been at the mercy of a sense-based world with a language conformed to this system. Our religious institutions and dogmas are confined to the sense-based arena. They find it impossible to usher in the incorporeal and must utilize crude corporeal representations to depict incorporeal divine truth.

When you begin to try to discuss this truth with people, words often fail to accurately convey the truth we have been so ignorant of. Even when those (Jesus, Moses, David, Solomon, Elijah, Abraham) who understood the truth tried to express it to others, it was often couched in the phrase, “He who has ears to hear…” This confounds sense-based people because they can obviously see that everyone has ears to hear with. This, however, is not a call to be sense-based. It is an appeal to a deeper life found within. A life only discovered through meditation and contemplation.

Therein lies the wrinkle in an otherwise original theological discourse. Seeking the incorporeal requires a sustained effort to still the mind of all the senses which invade the thought life. Notice I didn’t say you had to eradicate random thoughts. That feat is impossible! The effort in meditation is to learn to still the mind.

Almost everyone who starts a meditation cycle is bombarded by thoughts, which if followed, leads down a rabbit trail until at the end of the session, nothing appears to have been accomplished. The key is learning to allow thoughts to come and pass over you without engaging them. Doing this for thirty seconds an hour several times during the day will develop your meditative skill quickly.

Once you have mastered stilling your mind for extended periods of time you can then begin the art of contemplation. This will offer you the opportunity to reflect on the incorporeal realm within and all about you. As you develop your flair for contemplation you will begin to witness how things begin to be super-naturally added to you just as Jesus said they would be.

I hope that I do not need to tell you how this is a lifestyle and not just a one-time event. Most people are looking for something to immediately improve a condition in in their health, relationships, finances, business, or community. They simply want a miracle. By their very nature miracles are rare. And as big as a shock as this might seem, God is not Santa – He doesn’t give things because you want it. You are seriously going to need to ask yourself if you want things or you want God.

Jesus said you can’t serve two masters. You are either going to continue relying on the sense-based world of things which are constantly just beyond your reach; or you’re going to step into the incorporeal realm, and how it is accessed, to see the world super-naturally open up to you. As always, the choice is solely yours. Choose wisely.

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The Unspeakable Truths

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I’ve stated previously how language is the lowest form of communication. Fr. Richard Rohr gives an example of this in his book The Naked Now. He describes how the term “non -violence” never appeared in our language until the 1950’s. The reason is because we didn’t have the language to express it until then! How is this even possible, you might be asking. Fr. Rohr states how all language is based on experience. In other words, the entire corpus of human language up until that time only had a language which could describe violence, but never had any verifiable experience with non-violence. That is a pretty crazy thought to ponder.

The apostle Paul writes in the twelfth chapter of 2 Corinthians of an incident of an individual caught up into the third heaven how hears unspeakable words which are not lawful to utter. Paul over the next five verses will speak about how his desire for glory needed to be suppressed or else being thought of as a fool because he sought the Lord three times about his infirmity and not wanting to be exalted above measure. Then he hears the Lord say to him, “My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness.”

The Connection

This passage from Paul is a foundational example of what Fr Rohr is describing about language. Paul has an encounter with the Divine which rocks his concept of reality. He has no words to describe it and feels that his weaknesses don’t even allow him to be in the Presence to begin with. Even though he admits having a great deal of revelation, somehow the intensity of this encounter has humbled him down to his weaknesses. And yet, grace…

Encounters with the Divine do this to you. I’ve experienced it several times. Every time though, there are no words available to me to describe what I had encountered. Speaking becomes like a game of darts with the Encounter in the middle and darts of words of varying degrees spread out all around it trying to point to the spot in the middle that I hit on accident.

Let’s call these Unspeakable Truths: Divine encounters where past experiences have not formed the words to express them. Marshall Davis in his book The Tao of Christ, a Christian version of the Tao Te Ching, provides the following example,

“The God who can be described
is not the true God.

The name that can be spoken
is not the name of God.

God is unnamable.
Naming God is the beginning
of religion.

Let go and you find God.
Hold on, and you get theology.

Knowing God and not knowing God are
ultimately the same.
Their source is Unknowing.”

The Strength to Encounter

This is going to sound flippant to many of you who are seeking an encounter with the Divine, but you do not have the strength to endure it. You never leave the same way you entered. The bible warns repeatedly that to see God is to die. You will. Every. Single. Time. That death forces a recalibration of what is know of as Life and how you are going to live it.

You will know grace on a level never encountered in these moments. What you thought was grace prior to the Encounter is fly ash afterwards. Yet, grace remains your strength in the weakness of being human before the Creator. This becomes one of your unspeakable truths.

With all the encounters that I have had, the one constant with them all is my inability to accurately describe what they were like and how they transformed me. I have been around others who confess the same result. We each sit in the peaceful tension that such an encounter has created within us. Satiated in the moment yet ravenous for more.

There are others who can intimately articulate their encounters with the Divine as though it were a trophy in their big game room. I always wonder if they are playing Paul’s fool in their recollection.

I offer this to you in your journey. If you can’t express the terrain in words, you’ve entered; keep going. If you can express it in words, even one word, keep going. Unknowing is the source.

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Lost in the land of “And”

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Duality is the blight of mortals. It affects all that we see, do, touch, taste, smell, and hear. It permeates every institution developed for the advancement of humanity. It has so stained our lives that any attempt to call attention to its trickery is often met with ridicule. I am not here to rail either way about the pros or cons of this matter. No, this is simply a finger pointing at where it all began. And…

This is rather a simple innocuous word you might think, however, this is where the whole debacle of duality beings. Back in the day when they used to teach grammar in an English class, teachers could be found instructing children how this word, “and,” is what is known as a “conjunction.” The purpose of this type of word is to join elements together into the same grouping or take two thoughts and join them together. (You know what they call two or more thoughts of anything? I’m not going there.)

You might think that this is not a big deal, right? Consider what occurs when you connect two subject matters which are opposites with this little word. Hard pressed to do such a task? Let me help you. Sweet and sour. Fire and water. Rich and poor. There is a plethora of examples but let’s not neglect the most important of all: Good and evil.

And it Begins

Have you recently read the first chapter of Genesis? In the 31 verses of that chapter, “and” appears in every single verse, often as the first word, followed by “God.” Furthermore, the commission which God assigns to the man is peppered with “and.” What is interesting also is how in this chapter of the creation narrative, “good” seems to be the standard for all things created. What can we gather from this?

The writer/interpreter seems pretty certain that all the events described were joined together as One cause conducted by One Person, namely God. The entirety of creation, including the animals and man, are seen as being One in, and with, God in this description. God determined how all the works done were “good” and “very good” at the conclusion of the chapter.

Even into the first three verses in the second chapter, “and” plays a prominent role following the same format from the previous chapter joining the seventh day to the prior days; sanctifying it as a day of rest for God and all creation. At no point does the appearance of an “opposite” or “another” enter into creation. Then comes the fourth verse of the second chapter where the entire narrative takes a turn.

In theological circle there are those who will expound on the opinion of how the writer of the first 34 verses in Genesis was written by someone different than the writer(s) who penned the remaining story line. There are those who will also claim that the second chapter is merely an expanded version of the sixth day of creation. Honestly, I don’t care because once you start going down any of these roads, you soon find how you’re more than lost in the land of “And” it’s more like lost in “And 2.0” on steroids.

What I want to bring out from this point is how the “new” writer is the first to form the conjunction between good and evil. Now this might not seem like a big deal until you consider how prior to the development of this association found in the seventeenth verse, everything was “good,” there was no opposite present (this includes the woman). It seems this “new” writer is shifting the reader from an OMNI-God to a God who is up-there and out-there somewhere during the day and can somehow be influenced by this new association of opposites.

Lost in the Land

We all know the story of how the woman is enticed by the serpent to eat the forbidden fruit and then the man partakes of it also. This confers upon them the knowledge of good “and” evil. Since all things prior to the bite were in the complete state of “good,” it is probably safe to assume that they already had this knowledge established in their consciousness. In my opinion it was “evil” that became the new knowledge. This evil was simply the recognition of doing the opposite of what they had been told not to do, or in other words, not listening to and following what God said.

This very simple act of self-rule required God to place both the man and the woman out of the garden created by God and into land of wilderness. They were now lost in the land of “and” knowing that they once inhabited a place which was the opposite of their present habitat. Seared into their consciousness was the dichotomy of “good” and the effects of self-rule.

Generation after generation would be told a dimmer and dimmer story about the land of “good” as a foil to the hardships each generation faced in the wilderness of the multiplicity of self-rule. The deeper humanity succumbed to self-rule in the land of “and” the farther it appeared God departed from the very creation He founded. Eventually humanity would be deemed “lost” needing to be “found” and “saved.” (Notice the “and” there.) Yet are they truly lost?

The Peek-a-Boo Syndrome.

I find it interesting how adults will play peek-a-boo with an infant for no reason than to try to set up the child into thinking somehow they can disappear. The infant is lying down or sitting up with the adult closely right in front it. The adult takes its hands and places them over their eyes for a brief moment and then quickly removes them while saying, “Peek-a-boo, I see you!” This may also be done with a cloth being placed over the eyes of the infant and then quickly being removed while exclaiming the same line, “Peek-a-boo, I see you!” This ritual will continue for several minutes much to the delight of the adult who is joyful how the infant laughed during the matter.

This same scenario is played out with God in the land of “and.” We treat God as the infant while we “hide” ourselves behind anything we believe God can’t see us. Then we go to some weekly religious service and for the briefest of moments exclaim joyously how God showed up. “Peek-a-boo, I see you!” But is God laughing with us or at us?

All of Thee

In the fourth gospel Jesus broke through the land of “and” when he exclaimed, “The Father and I are one. . .If you have seen me, you have seen the Father.” How, you might ask, does this “break through” the land of “and?”

The purpose of a conjunction is to join two or more parts together. In the land of “and” the parts come together but retain their individuality, their own self-rule. In the land of “and” there is me and, you and, they and, we and, not me and, nor you and, nor us and.

To the religious leaders present when Jesus said that he and the Father are one, they believed that Jesus was saying he was equal with the Father. This is a typical reaction in the land of “and” where self-rule is the predominate belief. Each person is equal to another in every characteristic and capacity. “Equal” is the result of “and” just like in math. But that is not what Jesus was proclaiming.

In this one statement Jesus rips the veil from the land of “and” revealing how all along there has not been a multitude of beings lost in the land of “and.” Being “one” is not a declaration of self-rule but a broadcast of the reveal of a kingdom established by an omnipresent God. There is no God “and” in this kingdom. There never has been or will be. Omnipresence insures this. The moment there is an “and” there is no God.

Believing Truth

Herein lies the horror of the land of “and.” Self-rule negates God’s ability to function through the mechanism of one or more “beliefs.” The primary belief is that there is “me and” God. From this belief springs forth a multitude of other beliefs about the relationship of “me and” God; “me and” my ability to see, hear, touch or know God; “me and” my walk with God versus those around me; “me and” how I get God to heal me, feed me, cloth me, prosper me, keep me in peace; and whole host of “beliefs” about the nature of God crafted on the “belief” that we are created in His image so He must act just like we do.

All of these beliefs, and those not mentioned, stem from our experiences in the land of “and.” There is not a single truth found in any of them. How can I make such a claim? Simply because in the land of “and” we failed to comprehend the magnitude of omnipresence. Missing this crucial element required us to “make up” beliefs on how it always appears that God is up-there, out-there, while focusing on the physical realm with all of its difficulties and the dichotomies of good “and evil.”

Jesus said that we need to worship the Father “…in spirit and truth.” Never did he say in spirit and “belief.” Yet every religious institution since those words were uttered has maintained that their “belief” is truth. How lost we have become in the circle logic of such thinking! In this we wrestle with the thought of an Omnipresent spiritual Creator which still asks, “…WHO told you…”

The truth is, “. . . for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me.” Until you can remove your self-governing belief in and on “and,” this truth will evade you. Omnipresence demands you to be one. However, it will not force you into it, this action must be undertaken in the quiet desperation of needing ALL of Him more than any of you “and” what you’ve clothed yourself in.

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What Does God Believe?

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If you are someone who is following a spiritual journey leading to the unfolding of enlightenment there will come a point where you suddenly are thankful that God does not believe. Truth doesn’t have the innate need to believe. Each of us have this need to believe within us – God doesn’t.

Have you ever considered what it means to “believe?” You’re a “believer” but just what does it mean to believe? Have you ever wondered if Jesus was a “believer” like you or was he a different “believer”? If Jesus is the son of God, did he even have an innate need to believe like we do?

Do you believe in gravity? I know this is a rather silly question to ask but bear with me for a moment as I attempt to shine a light on this subject. To believe in/on something means to choose between two or more options which have been offered to you and then select the “best.” The “best” is often the one which continues or maintains your survival with the least amount of risk. This is how most of our “beliefs” have been developed. Then comes gravity.

None of us were ever offered an alternative. This is because gravity is a truth. If something goes up, eventually it comes down. You might think well if we were in space we wouldn’t have to deal with gravity, but even up there everything is being pulled to something somewhere. So there really isn’t a belief in gravity – it just IS. Just like God.

“God is good.” How many times have you ever said or heard this phrase? Do you believe it? Seriously think about what it means to “believe” this claim. You need to have another option presented to you that is either opposite to this claim or is more favorable to your survival. Some people live a life where this claim is a hazard to their well-being so there is no way they would believe anyone who might profess such a harmful expression. But then a “believer” enters their life, and the struggle ensues. Faith versus Truth.

“God is love.” This is the New Testament revelation. How did this become considered a “new” belief? Was there another alternative prior which “everyone” seemed to believe? What were the survival barriers the older belief presented which this new belief overcame? As a “New Testament believer,” did you have this old belief before an opposite belief became open for you to adopt it?

“God is omnipresent.” The alternative to this is that He isn’t, right? And yet there are moments in our lives when we “need” to believe He is because the gravity of our reality is hopelessness. And there is the rub: Our perception of reality is always a series of alternatives we face trying to survive the hopelessness of living through past wrong decisions where God wasn’t even there for us. Unbelievable, right? Far from it for most. Beliefs can be so entrenched that truth can’t break through its desperately clutching grip.

“My Father and I are one.” Jesus made this claim not as his belief but as a truth. Regrettably, even up to today we don’t recognize the gravity of this declaration. There are those who “believe” how Jesus was able to make this claim was because he is (believed to be) the Son of God. Jesus never said this about his relationship to the Father; he often called himself the Son of Man. This title creates issues for believers because it places Jesus back in the fold of humanity with all of its warts and failures. This is not a very appealing alternative to base a “belief” upon.

Isn’t it fortunate how a Truth completely disregards every belief? Wouldn’t it seem better to let Truth be the compass on a spiritual journey rather than belief? It seems that most of what is Truth has been hijacked by institutional beliefs intended to keep the masses blindfolded through life. So how do you overcome this and get back on track?

Start with the Truths I have offered to you in this work. They are as follows:

1. God IS.
2. God is Good.
3. God is Love.
4. God is Omnipresent.
5. My Father and I are ONE.

Right now, you have a “belief” about each of these. Many of these beliefs aren’t even yours – you adopted them. This doesn’t matter. What you must do is remove the belief. How? Realize that what you believe is the “opposite” to Truth and as long as you can lay claim to the opposite, the belief remains. Consider how Adam told God that he was naked. God asked him who told him he was naked. Adam’s “belief” founded on the knowledge of good and evil (opposites) couldn’t surrender to the Truth God knew about the man and woman.

There are many more truths to uncover but the process will be the same for each one. You must submit every belief you hold up to the light of Truth. Then you can begin the process of integrating Truth back into your life. This process will involve meditation and contemplation on the Truths and how they influence your life activities.

Understand that this is not a one-time deal. This is a lifestyle. I’m not going to tell you it will be easy to accomplish because it takes tenacity to cut through all the tangled webs of beliefs which permeate our lives. But there is always grace to do the job. I’ve come to a point where I realize grace is possibly the best gift given to us to bust out of the grave clothes of our limiting beliefs and robed in the Truths of the kingdom of God. I might have said in the past that I believe you can do this; however, today, I will merely say do it with no opposite intended or offered.

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