There they sit. Staring intently into each other’s eyes. Smiles radiate a magnitude of sheer joy that can only be expressed by the word, “Awe!” They love each other with a love that cannot be expressed through a cavalcade of word pictures because it pulses and vibrates in a constant stream like waves crashing on a rocky shoal, each crash raising the level of their love and joy to yet another level of magnitude.
Jesus leans in and says, “You know what I’m thinking?” “Yup!” and “Sure do!” exclaim the Father and Holy Spirit. Laughter ensues for a span that time can’t adequately measure. As they compose themselves, the Father speaks. “Have you ever considered…” “I just did!” and “I’m feeling it with you!” chuckle Jesus and Holy Spirit. Again they all break out in laughter.
[The theme from the Twilight Zone begins]
Imagine if you will. Three beings locked in an eternal embrace of love. Unique yet described as “one.” No thought foreign. No word out of place. Every feeling mutually experienced. Into this realm of vast joy and love, peace overwhelms the senses. The nature to serve the others flows majestically as an intertwining whirlpool. Into this realm of otherness a thought, an impulse, a desire springs up to express this vastness with more…more…enter the human zone!
[music dies down]
Evolutionist believe that God said in the deep darkness of an unknown realm, “If I build it, they will come.” Then someone turned on the light to His dream. Somehow they miss the fun and excitement of creating and sharing and giving and expressing and…and Life unspeakable! This is what pulses out of the eternal realm. When God, they or them, the plural known as singular, created, it was bigger than we can possibly imagine. We have dramatically underestimated the singular plural of Him. Paul tried to capture and convey their nature in this verse out of 2 Corinthians.
2 Corinthians 13:14
(14) The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen.
This is the most perfect example in scripture of the trinity in operation and Paul tacked an exclamation point of “Amen” to the end of it. The love of God; God is love; God so loved…this is our bedrock, the foundation of our entire belief. It is a nature, a characteristic, a distinction, a perpetual identification void of any difference. As great as we have marginalized the term “love” in this world we too have fractured our perception of God as love and being the fullest expression of love. This has caused us to neglect the very core of love’s purpose to extravagantly give unconditionally.
Herein lies our loss of the grace extended in Jesus who, being one with love, gifts us with unfathomable, inexhaustible spiritual riches that we have perceived through a religious filter of unworthiness. So great is our belief in this unworthiness that we fore go the relationship, the fellowship, the common union eagerly provided to us by Holy Spirit, who also being one with love and its gracious giving, tries to bring us back to our original thought of who we truly are in the eyes of God and not the god of our un-renewed perception.
This is a level of love that many fail to grasp, to move into, to even believe exists for them right this very moment. Before the beginning of the world we were their supreme thought. We are the expression of their love, their gift, their relationship. We are their purpose for creation; your entire world around you, whether you’re experiencing it to the fullest of not. Out of their love for each other, their love-inspired desire was poured out upon those who would be like them. And if they are the same yesterday, today and forever more, that desire, that love expression is still the same for you and me! For crying out loud, Everyone!
God has always…Dang nabit! I hate social attention deficit disorders! This is where I go….
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