The grace of… Episode 4

There they sit. Staring intently into each other’s eyes. Smiles radiate a magnitude of sheer joy that can only be expressed by the word, “Awe!” They love each other with a love that cannot be expressed through a cavalcade of word pictures because it pulses and vibrates in a constant stream like waves crashing on a rocky shoal, each crash raising the level of their love and joy to yet another level of magnitude.

Jesus leans in and says, “You know what I’m thinking?” “Yup!” and “Sure do!” exclaim the Father and Holy Spirit. Laughter ensues for a span that time can’t adequately measure. As they compose themselves, the Father speaks. “Have you ever considered…” “I just did!” and “I’m feeling it with you!” chuckle Jesus and Holy Spirit. Again they all break out in laughter.

[The theme from the Twilight Zone begins]

Imagine if you will. Three beings locked in an eternal embrace of love. Unique yet described as “one.” No thought foreign. No word out of place. Every feeling mutually experienced. Into this realm of vast joy and love, peace overwhelms the senses. The nature to serve the others flows majestically as an intertwining whirlpool. Into this realm of otherness a thought, an impulse, a desire springs up to express this vastness with more…more…enter the human zone!

[music dies down]

Evolutionist believe that God said in the deep darkness of an unknown realm, “If I build it, they will come.” Then someone turned on the light to His dream. Somehow they miss the fun and excitement of creating and sharing and giving and expressing and…and Life unspeakable! This is what pulses out of the eternal realm. When God, they or them, the plural known as singular, created, it was bigger than we can possibly imagine. We have dramatically underestimated the singular plural of Him. Paul tried to capture and convey their nature in this verse out of 2 Corinthians.

2 Corinthians 13:14
(14) The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen.

This is the most perfect example in scripture of the trinity in operation and Paul tacked an exclamation point of “Amen” to the end of it. The love of God; God is love; God so loved…this is our bedrock, the foundation of our entire belief. It is a nature, a characteristic, a distinction, a perpetual identification void of any difference. As great as we have marginalized the term “love” in this world we too have fractured our perception of God as love and being the fullest expression of love. This has caused us to neglect the very core of love’s purpose to extravagantly give unconditionally.

Herein lies our loss of the grace extended in Jesus who, being one with love, gifts us with unfathomable, inexhaustible spiritual riches that we have perceived through a religious filter of unworthiness. So great is our belief in this unworthiness that we fore go the relationship, the fellowship, the common union eagerly provided to us by Holy Spirit, who also being one with love and its gracious giving, tries to bring us back to our original thought of who we truly are in the eyes of God and not the god of our un-renewed perception.

This is a level of love that many fail to grasp, to move into, to even believe exists for them right this very moment. Before the beginning of the world we were their supreme thought. We are the expression of their love, their gift, their relationship. We are their purpose for creation; your entire world around you, whether you’re experiencing it to the fullest of not. Out of their love for each other, their love-inspired desire was poured out upon those who would be like them. And if they are the same yesterday, today and forever more, that desire, that love expression is still the same for you and me! For crying out loud, Everyone!

God has always…Dang nabit! I hate social attention deficit disorders! This is where I go….

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The grace of… Episode 5

“Keep your hands to yourself. If you break anything, you’re buying it!”

The life of a child is filled with so many joy-packed moments like these, isn’t it?
I recall an instance when these same word were spoken to my grandfather by my grandmother! On that day I found out that age matters little to the those who are inquisitive. One of life’s small ironies I guess.

John 1:3
(3) All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

The desire to expand on the love that they had for each other had created a thought. We can give this love to others, someone who looks like us, someone we can include in our common union. However, this creation they are planning brings with it a multitude of issues which must be addressed, foremost of which is motivation. While they know that love is their motivation, will the creation recognize it?

Colossians 1:16-17
16) For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:
17) And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.

John and Paul have a revelation of the motivation of Jesus, Father and Holy Spirit that they are trying to communicate to us. Notice in both of these passages that they are establishing the connection of creation to the person of Jesus. Why is this important?

In the eternal realm the Godhead was preeminent to the creation; they existed independent of it. All that surrounds us in the physical and spiritual arena, all that we move around and through, all that we can’t see from the farthest galaxy to the pulsating energy of string matter were created by Jesus and for Jesus. You better take a moment to process that statement.

You were made by Jesus, for Jesus. Your spouse was made by and for Jesus. Your kids; parents; neighbors; boss; coworkers; the panhandler on the street corner; the driver who cut you off today; the collection agent you had to deal with also; the rude grocery clerk; the sweet girl at the crosswalk who that let you drive through before she crossed; and a whole host of people that make up the 7 billion plus lives inhabiting this planet, regardless of their religious and political affiliation, race, creed, color or sex, were made for and by Jesus and without Him they don’t exist.

Read it again. Without Him none of us, and all of our stuff, exists. Poof! Lights turned off and NO ONE home (actually the house goes too). I realize that this might seem like a bit of hyperbole but consider the ramifications my friend. All that has led us up to this precise moment in life exists solely because Jesus desired it and made it. Even 2,000 years after the creation He made hung Him on a cross crafted from a tree He made and buried Him the earth He made, He has still created more of everything. Do you see any motivation why He should be this way?

Something tells me that when the trinity planned this thing out, the Father looked at his Son in the face and said, “When I touch it, you are what I’ve bought it with and we own it.” Holy Spirit quipped, “I dare you not to touch it!” Jesus responded, “Let there be…”

I’ll say it again. What motivates…Wait a minute! Let me finish this one…

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The grace of… Episode 2

“In the beginning…”

How many beginnings do you know that exist in the bible? Okay, Genesis 1:1 is a gimme. What else? Good, John 1:1 is another. Now comes the harder ones. Did you think of the one in Ephesian 1:4 or 1 Peter 1:20. Or how about 2 Timothy 1:9? Surely you thought of that one since I’ve quoted it enough here. Are you done yet? I’ll bet you forgot Revelation 13:8, right? You know there are several more found in the book of Job, Psalms, Colossians, and Proverbs, but I think you might be seeing that the “beginning” isn’t necessarily found at the beginning of the bible. Why is this important in this message of grace?

2 Timothy 1:9 says that we were chosen for God’s purposes and given His grace in Christ Jesus before the world began. This places us in the eternal realm with two members of the trinity. This means that we have an identity that existed before our natural birth, an identity that has always been in Jesus. But there is more here than meets the eye.

John 1:1 and 2 states that in the beginning was the Word. As you read further in John he will tell us that the “Word” is Jesus. (Yeah, I know that you know this but I’m trying to show you something.) So let’s read this verse putting the names in where they properly belong.

John 1:1-2 KJVR
1) In the beginning was Jesus, and Jesus was with God, and Jesus was God.
2) The same [Jesus] was in the beginning with God.

Now I want you to look at something out of the Genesis account.

Genesis 1:1 KJVR
(1) In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

Did you notice that the beginning in Genesis is not the same beginning as in John? As a matter of fact 2 Timothy 1:9 is more in line with John than Genesis. So where am I going with this? To determine the terms “purpose” and “grace” defined in 2 Timothy 1:9 we need to look at John 1:1-2.

John tells us that Jesus was with God, not just once, but twice in these two verses. Do you think that he wants us to understand this point? After all he only claimed that Jesus was God once. So what gives? It has everything to do…get ready…here it comes…the answer is found, with. You’re probably thinking, “With what?” Not what, but with, the word “WITH.”

When most people read this verse they think that Jesus and Father God are standing next to each other, best buds, patting each other on the back and giving high-fives. The reason most often is because they think that John has placed this encounter after the Genesis creation narrative. As I’ve already stated John is before Genesis so obviously the high fives are a little premature. Actually, them even standing next to each other doesn’t fit the description either, because we know that the royal family does not stand when there is a throne.

The word “with” in both of these verses tells us precisely how they were arranged. Simply put, it means that they were face to face. Jesus was looking at the Father and the Father was looking at Jesus. John uses this specific word here so that we can get a picture of how these two related to each other. There is another word for “with” that he could have used and it would be similar to the scene I described above. But this word John used denotes a proximity and familiarity not easy to dismiss. Let’s see what the verses in John look like when you clarify this matter.

John 1:1-2 KJVR
1) In the beginning was Jesus, and Jesus was face to face to God, and Jesus was God.
2) The same [Jesus] was in the beginning face to face to God.

Jesus made the claim, “I only do those things I see my Father do.” Of course! He is looking right at him; he doesn’t have to go find out where the Father is at and then try to decipher what it is that he is doing because he missed something. If God blinks, so does Jesus. If Jesus laughs, I assure you that the Father does too. If one of them yawns, well you get the point.

So what is so important about this? The grace you’re experiencing in Jesus Christ, that identity in Him that you had in the beginning is all being conducted in a face to face manner. You looking at Father God through Jesus, Father God looking at you through Jesus. You’ve never been hidden from Him, He has always been looking right at you.

Maybe now you can understand this claim in Genesis, “Let us make man in our image and likeness.” They are so enraptured with each other that they…Oops! That is going to have to come later to keep this posting within acceptable reading limits. Stay tuned…

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The grace of… Episode 3

Genesis 1:1 KJVR
(1) In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

You’ve read or heard it preached a million (it seems) times. It’s gotten to the point where you ignore the syntax, the linguistic plurality, the hermeneutical nuances (who comes up with these terms), and the root word extractions. Today, in your mind, God created. Big whoop! This big ethereal being with no time on His hands decides to play Betty Crocker, says a few words, waves a wand and poof, life on a big blue orb is thrust into an even bigger black void of nothingness, all of it trying to make some some sense of why…Oh crap! The chicken is burning! Great, just great. Thanks a lot God. There, how did that feel? The bible says to give thanks in all things. Did you feel the love in that one?

Each one of those is centered on one thing: relationship. If you’re like most people when you first read Genesis 1:1 you didn’t see anything resembling relationship. You, like me and most people, see God, a singular entity doing God-type stuff. Generally, as a matter of course, you learned that there was God, the Father, Jesus, the son, and Holy Spirit, three in one. While you recognized that they all existed, their relationship always was kinda murky. Sure you have a relationship with one of them which is maybe stronger than what you have with one of the others but…well, someday this will make sense. And you live your life.

Life is fast and furious and you go to church to get some rest with God because that what you’re told to enter into. But then you’re in the race again and somehow you’ve got to relate the sermon to your life which is traveling at break-neck speed. Some how, some day it will make sense. But it never seems to, week after furious week. Life seems to be a paradox of contradiction, a state of being that no being longs to be long in. So you force yourself to make sense of it all, to rationalize the contradiction. You follow the path that mankind has taken since the beginning, you make a myth.

It seems harmless enough as it eases the stress of having to explain why in your life, in your mess, in your distress, in your pain, in your shame, in your humiliation and embarrassment, in all the matters that seem to matter, God, His peace and security, His love and acceptance, His hope in you…well it just didn’t seem to show up. So in our myth we place God on this throne high and lifted up above us, seeing into every nook and cranny of our lives and we know, we just know that we did something wrong. This is Him judging our actions, our thoughts. He is removing Himself from our unworthiness.

So we plead the blood of Jesus, cleanse us, please, so that we may be back in right standing with GAWWD! Some of our myths wonder if there is even a drop of blood left in his body because we have expended so much of it trying to come back just one more time to GAWWD. There is the great myth of Jesus being the good cop, who will hear our plea and shield us from the wrath of the bad cop, GAWWD. This same myth also features Jesus once again being beaten senselessly on our behalf so that GAWWD can look down from his mighty throne and reach out to embrace us. Curiously, in most every one of our myths Holy Spirit is just a mute, paralyzed bystander.

Myths are weird. Intellectual myths are even weirder yet. However, they have become our means to explain the unexplainable, the contradiction to our perceptions. We create myths to align our perceptions to our beliefs. If you follow this out properly, logically, we create God out of how we believe he relates to us in our mess of a fast and furious life. They help us cope with the lack of life, the lack of love, the lack of God, and more importantly, the lack of a meaningful relationship with the one who allegedly holds the title of Father.

If this seems dark and foreboding, realize this is just the breaking of the dawn compared to some myths believers have created. You, even myself for that matter, would not want to peak into their inner darkness as they lift their hands in praise and shout “hallelujah!” at the pastor. And these are just the myths of the believers. Imagine those who have experienced and act of GAWWD!

This is what the grace of Jesus came into two thousand years ago and still resides in today. He came to reveal the Father, not as a continuation of our Adamic myths but as a truth found in a face-to-face relationship described “in the beginning.” At every point of our mythological journey with GAWWD, Jesus demonstrates the truth of the Father to us to properly align our perceptions to God. Paul calls the process “renewing the mind.” Yet Jesus has a purpose that extends much…DANG! That will have to wait until the next time. Limits of attention span dictate this as the end…

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The Grace of… Episode 1

Yes, this is a series. Why? Because I was told that my postings (which average about 500 words) were too long for the average person to follow on any type of social media.

Seriously, I don’t give a tweet what anyone has to say about the lengths of my meanderings. I tend the follow the principle given to me by Mrs. Peterson, my first grade teacher. She had a wonderful knack of inspiring kids. “Mike,” she said to me, “face the book and learn to read. I’m not going to tell you again.” She was so far ahead in her ability to see the future of social media. Imagine if the founding fathers of our nation had social media when drafting the Declaration of Independence. I’m certain that a group selfie extending a hand gesture to the good king George would have sufficed instead of, “We hold these truths to be self evident…” And that is all I’m going to say about that.

In this series I’m going to point out some things that I’ve come across in my studies on this very important topic of grace. It might be familiar to some of you but sometimes familiarity breeds contempt. This is not a subject that we can just pass off as “…Oh, I already know that.” We need to be reminded of our heritage regularly, so that is what I hope this will do. So today here is what I want you to consider in the grace of…

There is a passage in the book of Jeremiah where God tells Jeremiah that He knew him before he was formed in the belly and before Jeremiah came out He set him apart from everyone else. This statement of God’s involvement in the life of a prophet truly applies to all of us. This claim blows the minds of many people who see God as some distant celestial being who cares very little about the goings on of us mere humans. However, this is not what I want you to consider.

Consider this: One day during a teaching in the synagogue a young boy hears the rabbi read this passage out of the book of Jeremiah. He has heard it before typically around the same time of the year, but today, something deep within him suddenly shifts. Looking down at his hands and then to his feet, he begins to sense that feeling that Jeremiah might have felt when God spoke this to him.

As he continues looking at his hands and feet an eerie thought of how these appendages were created begins to run through his mind. He begins to recall bits and pieces of how toes are made and designed to stabilize and secure balance; he remembers why his thumbs are located so far from his fingers; even the reason for the nails…the nails…the nails. What is it about the nails he thought.

Little by little in that moment he regains an insight into the original creation of mankind and how deliberate each movement upon the dust was to insure that the entire package reflected the image of his maker. Then a small voice echoes through him, “Be fruitful and multiply.” Suddenly an image of a child being born wafts through his thoughts. In that instant he recognizes the child as himself and realizes that God knew him before that moment, not only knew him, but determined his purpose.

Scanning the room he could see others patiently attending to the words the rabbi was speaking, but yet, it was his mother that stopped his gaze. She intently was focused on him. Somehow he knew that she understood what he was thinking. Ever so slightly he raised his hand and witnessed her eyes grow wider and the lips of her mouth subtly tighten as she lightly nodded her head in acknowledgment. As he lowered his hand, he watched her relax and a small smile form on her face.

At that moment, a nudge came from his side. “Jesus, pay attention!” came a firm whisper. “This is important.” “Yes,” he responded as he turned his head back towards the rabbi. “What my Father has done is very important,” he whispered as a broad smile crossed his face.

Many people live under the belief that Jesus knew from the moment he was born that he was God and man. However the scriptures tell us that Jesus grew in favor, or grace, with God and man. As a young boy, he had to experience the same revelation of his Father as every born again believer does today. While you may disagree with me in this matter you might want to reconsider based one point: Paul declared that Jesus was the last Adam. This identity clearly makes him the last human born under the lineage of Adam.

This creates a whole series of consequences that bring the grace gift of Jesus to a whole other level. But that is for another post because this one is almost too…

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The Game of Grace

I had a friend relate to me recently a great story about the nature of grace that she never realized until I pointed it out. She was at a basketball game that was being held between two schools in her town. The players on both sides were students that have “special needs” that limit their access to a conventional education environment. There were players of all “skill” levels on both teams playing in this game, and they were “all” playing at the same time.

The one thing she noticed throughout the event was that when one of the very ablest members of a team had the ball and was driving for the basket, he would always pass the ball off to one of his teammates instead of taking the shot for himself. She said that this didn’t happen just on one team but was a regular occurrence on both teams throughout the game. She said that everyone on the team had a chance to handle the ball before a shot was attempted. When a basket was made, she said that the whole court erupted in celebration as each person “from both teams” praised the work of the shooter. By the end of the game, the score didn’t matter because everyone had participated and been appreciated for their efforts by those in the game.

This is the nature of God’s grace being demonstrated before the entire world. Regrettably, most church environments look more like a professional team with your super stars and few bench players who can come in during a clutch situation. We, the church, might just be the “special needs” people who need to be schooled in the nature of our participation in this game called life. We each have a part to play and should be encouraged by our team rather than demoted and scolded for being who we are. Our head coach, team owner and head scout is already cheering for us. They don’t care about the points because they’ve already won the game. They just want us to enjoy having the time of our lives. Go Team!

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The Business of Grace

The rich young entrepreneur comes to Jesus seeking an audience so that he can expand his future business. “How do I create more wealth in this life?” he asks. “You know what you’ve been taught from an early age. Don’t steal from your employees; Don’t tell lies about your competitor’s product when yours doesn’t meet the customer’s requirements; keep your love life completely separate from your business life because mistresses make terrible employees; honor the founders who put you on the path your traveling,” was Jesus’ reply.

“I’ve followed these rules since my youth.”

“The one thing you haven’t done is sell everything in your inventory and take the proceeds to help those who are having a hard time getting or maintaining a job. Teach them your business skills which will greatly aid them and make them your future customers for as long as you’re in business.”

But the young entrepreneur became very sad and walked away because he didn’t want to create competitors in his industry.

In the Kingdom of Grace your relationship with others is all that matters for the rest of your eternal life. Competitors think win/lose. Kingdom people think abounding wins for all. Are you chalking up more in “your” win column than in “our” win column? Is your skill set ready to be moved into a kingdom mode? If you think so, then rest realize that it has never been about you. Second, from this moment on, it will never be about you either. Welcome to kingdom life!

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Supernaturally Absurd

Remember the day that you believed that a woman took a cruse of oil and poured it out into all the pots in her village to pay off the people who wanted her sons as slaves? How excited you must have felt to know that miracles are a staple of God’s kingdom. Didn’t you feel tempted to run home and try it out for yourself? What? You didn’t! Well, that’s understandable, not many of us can use a lot of oil, right? But how about the day you believed that seven loaves of bread and a couple of pieces of fish feed over five thousand people and they even had leftovers! Surely on that day you had to try it out for yourself!

No luck there either? Look I’m not even going to ask you about the believer’s commission of taking up snakes and drinking harmful stuff since that probably isn’t for you either. So as a “believer” where are you releasing all of this…this… belief in the supernatural?

What, in church! You mean you get together with other believers and release your belief upon each other? Don’t you kinda think that is kinda like preaching to the choir? Oh, don’t get me wrong. You got to have a safe place to practice with all the power locked up inside the bunch of you. But do you have a plan for the day that you decide to unleash who you truly are upon the world, or at least in Walmart? Just asking.

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Suburban Christianity

Rows upon rows of box-like houses dot the landscape of every city of this country. What once used to be a wild expanse of scenery that anyone could freely enjoy has been sculpted into right-angle thoroughfares which have determined egress and access points carefully placed to accentuate the “neighborhood.” These neighborhoods all look exactly alike and on weekends, when the occupants are at home, even the neighborhood fixtures (i.e. mowers, cars, bikes, kids) all look the same too. House colors, finish materials, landscape features, trees and shrubs, parking areas, satellite antenna placement, motor home parking and a whole host of other items have built-in deed restrictions in these “wholesome” communities. All these and features are designed to keep the characteristics of the community intact from rogue homeowners.

Church, no Christianity, in this modern world has gone suburban. The buildings and its activities must follow the same deed and design restrictions the community has. Forget the first-church model in these communities – no home churches allowed because it causes parking issues for the neighbors. No pillars or tongues of re permitted because the re district doesn’t allow open air burning without a permit. No breaking bread or drinking wine because of health code issues and blood alcohol level restrictions placed on driving. If you’re going to sing, caution must be used not to exceed the permitted sound levels that are in place to not adversely affect the neighbors. Should you determine to minister and assist those who are in need of medical care, that you need to make certain the appropriate licenses have been obtained and kept current by the medical staff. Of course there is the issue of making certain that all the workers you have who attend to the children have been properly trained to follow certain protocols for health and sanitation. And if they have and past issues with the legal community then you are pretty certain that you better not put them in any of those positions. Is it any wonder that in most communities the Church is considered the best law-abiding model they could have?

What would happen is the community leaders actually found out that the real church doesn’t adhere to any of the law; or that they truly are rebels trying to take over their community for a distant king? If the real church began to show up in their communities and healed the sick, cast out demons, delivered people from addictions, fed and clothed the poor and hungry, while singing and praising the Lord at the top of their lungs do you think that they would like to have so many of them in their neighborhoods? After all, in suburbia, all that activity is not permitted without the appropriate forms being filled out and submitted in triplicate. But don’t worry. I was just imagining for a moment the possibility of a law-less church and it went to my head. Carry on at a respectable level.

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Grace tares at the heart…

…for you are not under the law, but under grace. (Rom 6:14)

Wheat and tares or sheep and goats. Which is it going to be people? Let me state right up front that I’m sick and tired – yes – sick and tired of believers losing their minds of Christ in order to soothe the angst of a retributive nature they still think possesses them. Yes, that’s right, this is a matter of good, faithful believers being possessed! Don’t tell me by some outdated doctrinal position that possession is not possible when I can see it in your red bulging eyes seeking to escape the sockets of your skull like some Looney-Tune character.

As sure as my deodorant will make my pits smell manly after a stressful workout, your religious convictions will soothe your inner turmoil after reading what I’ve just typed feeling superior in the knowledge that come judgment day, those…those… well, they’ll get their just rewards. You’ll use the wheat and tares or sheep and goat motif to back up the proof to your holy excursion into the Valley of Armageddon. You feel safe in a future justification, right?

Let me ask you something. Why is it that the parable of the wheat and tares and the sheep and the goats only appears in the book of Matthew? Two end-time blockbusters with the power to level the playing field are only recorded in the one “gospel” account that is blatantly pro-Law. What? You’ve never heard of such a thing as a gospel being bent to the point of embracing the Law?

How is it possible that you’ve never considered that Matthew, a Jewish Christian (what, you never heard of that term either!), writing his narrative some fifteen years after the death of Paul, the apostle of grace, from the home church of Paul in Antioch, is attempting to remove the influence grace has created within the Gentile church (what, even this too!) by tying the message of Jesus back to the Law? Oh, forgive me, I just made that up! These are the things nightmares are made of, disunity in the church, grace versus the law, Paul versus Peter, and such.

You have taken the blue pill of “churchanity” becoming another of the minions to mindless sycophants committed to the message of the empire they extolled from their lectern four years ago, and four years before that, and so on and so on. Sure you read your bible, but you don’t know what it says, let alone know what it means, outside of the book of Matthew and the rest of the Old testament canon. Oh sure, you occasionally read James so that your works mentality can be slathered with condemnation, but really, is that all there is?

If you still live under the specter that someone, some group, some corporation or nation owes you something, you need to man up and die like a real Christian. Show me one retributive act that Jesus accomplished, just one. He is owed a whole lot more than your or my sorry flame-scorched backside could every claim. So where is his pay back? Where is his day of justice?

But your denomination probably supports the big, mean, red-headed beast of a dragon who will take all of the world down to the depths of some pit of eternal barbeque for the uninvited simply because it’s described in the last book of the bible. If that is your only reason, how could you not then know that John is truly the last book of the New Testament canon and 3:16, poster child of every sporting event in the world, is grace not law?

If you truly knew your bible’s origin at the terrorizing, state-sponsored execution of an innocent man – one who confronted the religious order of the day because they backed wholesale exclusion of the entire world who did not live up to their standard of perfection before their self-defined deity – you might pause for a moment to reflect on whether your actions are truly your own, or are they the same as those who cheered upon the erection of that naked, beaten and bloody body of a God who forgave them for their ignorance. Wheat and tares, sheep and goats all witnessed it.

Have you ever considered that you, me and everyone else on this planet are his just reward, his pay out, his justified compensation for pain and suffering? You don’t see him separating anyone, making them feel any better or less than another like isolating the quarters from the dime and nickels while chucking the pennies.

None understood grace then, but surely, I pray, that somehow you do today. It is not now, nor has ever been about us versus them. It has always been about Him versus us – those who need forgiveness again and again. But it’s not a war – it’s a relationship with thick-headed, stiff-necked, stuck-up nosed mankind more enamored with themselves than with the author, creator – shoot – the very definition of love.

Is it possible for a moment that rational minds from a loving Creator could stop the tape of our past and maybe look into the mirror which reflects the face of our neighbor and consider that their desires and the struggles they create are no different than ours? If you want to say that their god wants them to kill you, well I’d say from your thoughts and actions your god does too! So why not take a lesson from my God and realize He doesn’t want either of you killing anyone, period. Learn to live with that because that is what He expects from His kids. He does not see either of you as a tare or a goat. So quit kicking at the tender parts expecting to get there faster. You can’t arrive at someplace you always been.

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