“Who are you?!”
This is the first claim people will make against you as an attempt to invalidate the worth of your thoughts, words, deeds, or body. It is the oldest form of causing duality, which is manifested as doubt in yourself and the purposes you pursue. Just ask the first woman.
In my last post I described the moment when all of creation was eagerly waiting in the Christ to be announced into its symbiotic dance. All means all – nothing left out or forgotten. That means you and me, and all before us as well as all after us; it means everything we stand, sit or rest upon; it means all we consume, plant and harvest, raise, hunt and trawl for; it means all we create, develop and build with; and I could go on, but ALL means ALL.
ALL was, and is, in a vibratory-stasis envelope of the Christ consciousness in God. Before you jump ahead here, understand this one thing: God is not a Christian or any other religious identity we have attempted to foist upon him. I am merely employing the language of this religious pattern simply because it is what I am most familiar with. If your pattern is of another flavor, by all means, substitute where you deem it appropriate. ALL still means ALL regardless of the language convention employed.
Furthermore, I need to make the distinction here how when I employ the term “Christ” I am not using it as a modifier to Jesus. This may shock you, but God, Jesus, Christ, and Holy Spirit are distinct divisions of the Godhead. They are all one with each other. The introduction of the term “Christ” has a distinct historical point of reference we have pinned onto Jesus and it has attributes which the entirety of Christianity has been built around.
The New Testament writers have told us this is what we have post-Jesus. However, we had it pre-Jesus too. To have the mind, or consciousness, of Christ; or to have Christ in you, which is the hope of glory; or to confess that it is not I that lives but Christ who lives in me are simply eternal claims which we have never, ever, been without. Ever – as in eternal.
All right, I know that I just pricked and popped a theological boil you have lived with for years. The short answer to this issue can be found in the book of Ephesians, first chapter, with the phrase, “before the foundations of the world.” Pack your boil and go study it for yourself. I am moving on.
The Moses Code.
We know how Jesus is our kingdom archetype, however, what about those who came before him. Did any of them have an insight of their place within the kingdom of God as I have been describing so far? Yes, is the short answer. I would like to take a moment to look at one – Moses.
We all know the story, so I am not going to rehash it all over again. I simply want you to recall a specific moment in his journey. Having run away from Egypt after killing a royal guard, we find him in the wilderness herding sheep for his father-in-law. Long days, and nights just as long, with you and a few hundred sheep walking, grazing and standing. Plenty of time to contemplate the question, “Who are you?” in the bleating of the sheep and the wind flowing up the draw of the valley you’re traversing.
There are experts who will tell you how there is a type of shrub in the region that this journey occurred within which has the property of spontaneous combustion during days of extremely high temperatures. So, a burning bush might be cast under such an explanation, however, we are told in the Hebrew writings how the bush was never consumed, so let’s not give the experts all the credit they seek in this matter.
Then the Breath comes and announces that the place where Moses stands is holy ground, he will need to remove the death which clings to his feet. When you walk in death, how do you expect to be able to hear what life has to say? Can you ever expect to know your destiny and purpose when the death of those you have cared for become the protection you need to move to higher grounds or higher levels of consciousness?
After his commission to the tribe of Israel is revealed to him by The Divine Consciousness, Moses, just like us, is confronted with the ultimate question, “Who are you?” Pay close attention with what is about to be revealed. What you think you know may surprise you.
Is Moses part of “all the things” which were in Christ before the foundation of the world? Is Moses one with Christ, who is one with the Father, God? If each of these answers is true, would Moses have the mind of Christ as we recognize it today?
“I am that I am.”
We have all been taught how this is the name of God. Now I want you to consider for a moment what, according to this line, is the name of God. Is it the entire sentence? Obviously, using standard grammatical usage this would not work. “I am.” Is the placeholder for the name which is so sacred to the Hebrew people that they cannot even pronounce it to this day. However, during this moment in the life of Moses such a restriction wasn’t acting on his thoughts. Which brings us to the pause in this moment we have never seen but has always
been there.
Sidebar. Has there ever been a moment when you have pretended or acted as someone else? Has it ever occurred to you that this act might be the truth?
What we have here is a moment in the progression of human thought where a duality becomes a non-duality. The front half of this statement is a self-identification to the back end of a divine identification. “I am” – Moses; ”that I AM.” – God. Don’t be fooled here – Moses is not declaring himself to be God. In the midst of this mystical moment, he is coming into the mystery of what today we would call “Christ in you.”
If you take a moment to pause from your traditions, you might be able to see how this is precisely what Jesus was communicating to those around him in the fourth gospel with his seven “I Am” statements. Yes, Christian tradition has always presented Jesus as one of the members of the holy trinity. Yet even he was faced with the same pushback to his identity from the religious cult of his day when they accused him of trying to be like God. His response to them was directly from their writings out of the Psalms which said,
I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High. (Psa 82:6)
The question before us is one of identity. The need to appear “humble” keeps all of us from admitting what God has always proclaimed, “You are gods.” This doesn’t mean that you are the supreme creator of all the universe. You are the creator of “your” universe, and I’ll probably need to address this aspect later on. For now, let’s just focus on your god-identity.
When God declares that we are gods, we must first recognize that a Spirit has deemed us to be spirit also, because we could not be children of the Most High unless we came from Him. Granted, most Christian teaching throughout history has portrayed us being adopted into the family of God. Yet, if we never left it, why would we need to be re-positioned in it through adoption?
Some have claimed how when we left our high estate in heaven by becoming mortal, in the transformation, we lost our spirituality and its identity. I would offer to you how if you are breathing the breath God gave, you are still spiritual, it just happens to be encased in a mortal shell.
Retaining your identity once in this shell, regrettably becomes a renewing about the mind which you’ve always possessed. However, this becomes difficult to nigh impossible during a lifetime simply because the mortal realm appears more real than what the un-seen spirit realm offers. It often requires a mystical experience, like the one Moses had at the burning bush; Peter had at the base of the mount of transfiguration; or Saul had on the road to Damascus, to open up our eyes to who we have always been.
Time to breath deep through your nose and slowly exhale through you mouth. Do it again. Repeat one more time.
I’ve offered a lot for some of you to consider. It’s possible that your storage shelf is getting a bit full but have faith that it is sturdy. A foundation like the one I’m uncovering is what Christ built for us. The pillars of grace set majestically upon it. I’m simply trying to get the debris of traditions cleared out so the sight of what lays about us can be fully appreciated. Onward friends!
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