Tag Archives: grace
Still, just saying…
Warning! This post is about to make some claims that will be controversial bordering on heretical if you have any national patriotic leanings of a Judeo-Christian mindset. Some of you reading that warning will immediately leave with a captivated mind. … Continue reading
Just saying…
You ever wonder why after the resurrection of Jesus, and his forty days teaching the disciples about the kingdom, he tells them to go into Jerusalem and wait ten days for the promise to appear? As the messiah, wasn’t he … Continue reading
What sin?
We’ve come back around to that time of the year again where multitudes of people will make one of their two life pilgrimages into the confines of church to acknowledge the Easter season (the other being Christmas). Bunnies, chicks, plastic … Continue reading
Heaven won’t help you.
It’s a cry which many of us have made within the depths of our despair, the tear-stained anguish of our common sufferings, the malcontent boiling of our overwhelming dissatisfaction. “Heaven help me.” How’s that working for you? Have you ever … Continue reading
Eternal grace
What do you do when everything you’ve ever known or considered about grace suddenly flips itself on its head by a simple revelation? Consider the following: 2Ti 1:9 Who hath saved us, and called us with a holy calling, not … Continue reading
Eternal, not immortal
Life is a process. You know this. Things don’t just miraculously poof out of thin air like some hocus pocus trick. There is time, yes time, which has its hand in the entire operation from the least of things to … Continue reading
I’m Right, You’re Wrong.
Duality. The bane of human culture. Either/or rules the day of an ego which must have its just fruits at the expense of the those who fall below the demarcation line of being relevant. Fights. Mental anguish. Projection of past … Continue reading
Killer Sheep
I’m borrowing a lot today. The title is from a description I heard several years ago of the “new” believers rising up in the church. Yes, it is an oxymoron, but isn’t life? The impetus of this writing is from … Continue reading
Blast Zone
Ever had a hand grenade go off in your theology? The impact, the debris field, the repercussions are beyond anything imagined. This recently happened to me and to say I’m over it is truly just a lie. This explosion has … Continue reading
What came first: the chicken or the acorn? Or was it the egg or the mighty oak? The juxtaposition doesn’t seem to work and yet you instinctively know what I’m aiming for. Regrettably, the question of creation is one that … Continue reading
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