Tag Archives: grace
There are within this universe a set of rules which apply across the board to all people. Gravity is the first. What goes up will come down. Granted the duration between the upside and the down side is not determinable … Continue reading
Lessons Learned
Have you ever considered just how wise you truly are? I’m serious. You have within you a wisdom which is staggering on many levels. Unfortunately, rarely do we ever take time to consider what we know and just how we … Continue reading
First Things
Are you a human having a spiritual experience, or, a spiritual being having a human experience? Take a moment to consider this because it affects in a number of ways how you relate to your life experiences. In the mystical … Continue reading
Been Here Before…
We’ve all experienced it. Life is going along rather uninvolved in our part and then suddenly…your attention shifts, your body adjusts, your memory kicks in and you recognize that what is happening at this precise moment already, somehow beyond your … Continue reading
He’s Gone Rogue!
A loose cannon. Nut case. Bucking the system. A heretic. I don’t know of a single person who finds any of these terms flattering. In a world of conformity, to color out of the lines is tantamount to being branded … Continue reading
There was a saying we always told our newest recruits to recite should a customer ever ask them how long they had been with our company: “I’ve been around construction all my life.” The intention was never to evade the … Continue reading
Did you learn…
Life. All of us experience life either as another obstacle to get around, over or through; or as a school, where you get knocked around until you learn from your mistakes and graduate to the next lesson. I’m not much … Continue reading
The Myth of Grace
In this post I want you to suspend all you think you know to be… I’m going to make the brash assumption that as you grew up, just like I did, there were a number of stories that influenced your … Continue reading
One and One is still One
Cancer. If there was ever a word that can generate more fear in us than this one, truly I don’t want to know it. The “Big C” immediately causes a course correction in the lives of everyone. No more living … Continue reading
The Line
Between the ideologies of Left and Right is a line. A border, the demarcation of tolerance which all parties recognize as the defining moment where, once crossed, allegiances to the former are severed. (As a matter of fact, up to … Continue reading
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