Tag Archives: grace
Would-a, Could-a, Should-a
Regrets, I’ve had a few But then again, too few to mention I did what I had to do, I saw it through without exemption. Lyrics from, “My Way” Arm-chair quarterbacking your life is quite common the older you get. … Continue reading
The Voice of Reason
Troubled times call for a voice of reason. Someone to stop and make the conflicting parties acknowledge the issues which each rightfully feels warrant their position and then work towards an accord for all to be satisfied and accepted. Yet, … Continue reading
At this time of year, after all the fields have been harvested, the orchards have been picked over, the vines have been stripped of their fruit, humanity looks across the bounty to offer thanks. Granted, this is a picturesque description … Continue reading
Grace – A God-given Virus
It’s cold and flu season, again! At least that is what the advertisers want me to believe. In my household, with a respirator-dependent child, we tighten our daily regime of preventive maintenance (i.e. vitamin C & D, olive leaf extract, … Continue reading
Co-creators. Really?
Being divine creatures is pretty heady stuff. There are a number of religious strains out there which promote the human species as the pinnacle of all creation and employing the “…image and likeness…” trademark, even go so far as to … Continue reading
Who Said You’re Lost?
The religious world would have us believe that the “world” is comprised entirely of lost souls. The mission is to win these souls to Christ. Winning and losing. Duality. Either/or. But who said they were lost? Why is it even … Continue reading
The Apathy of Grace
Talk to anybody in the so-called “Grace movement” who has been involved with it for any extended period of time and the elephant in the room sudden rears its head and blasts out a resounding alarm which by-and-large no really … Continue reading
Act Like It
A number of years ago I read a book entitled God is a Verb. Written from the perspective of Jewish mysticism, it presented several insights that have no immediate bearing with this writing except for the title, God is action. … Continue reading
Forget It All
This will not be an easy read for many of you. However, this admission doesn’t mean you shouldn’t continue – you whole-heartily should – just beware that the purpose requires a lot from you. I recall a preacher once who … Continue reading
Camping like Jesus
“I tooted,” he giggled. Laughter broke out between the two of them as they poked their sticks into the campfire. “What!” I shot back at him. “Who in the world toots around a campfire?” I guess it was inevitable. Social … Continue reading
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