Tag Archives: grace
How Glorious is Grace
Recently a group of us were reading through Brad Jersak’s book A More Christ-like God and we came upon a passage that incited an intense paradigm shift for many of us. The exact passage from the book fails me at … Continue reading
Life is a Stage Pt. 2 & 3
Here is a teaching that I recently did regarding the stages of development we all travel through on our way to Christ Consciousness. I hope you enjoy it. Part 2 Part 3
Just a Thought
Here is a video teaching that I recently did regarding our thoughts, beliefs and values and how we develop them. I hope you enjoy it.
The Grace to Forgive
A while back I conducted a multi-series teaching entitled, Tag & Release, The Grace to Forgive. Here is part 3 from that series for your viewing pleasure.
Grace out of time
Have you ever considered the very real possibility that we’re not in the right time zone? Maybe that’s not the right question. Have you ever considered the very real possibility that we’re not in the right era? Let me try … Continue reading
Grace – Da Bomb!
I spoke to a friend a few days ago and the subject of grace came up. I asked him how grace was presently effecting his life. His response was a gleeful, “Grace – it’s da bomb!” He went on to … Continue reading
Out of the blue
Consider the following scenario. You have just arrived at the grade school to drop off your child for another day of elementary learning. You notice that there appears to be a number of vehicles in the parking lot sporting the … Continue reading
Grace for at least a little
For a moment, I would like you to consider the population of your local church community. How many of these fine people are dealing with life-threatening illnesses? How much are you involved in their suffering? How many of these illnesses … Continue reading
Let me level with you.
We don’t see eye to eye. We’re not even on the same page. Does that frighten you? Are you fearful that by reading this you’re getting into something you hadn’t bargained for? Have you decided to back off just for … Continue reading
Blind Grace
He answered and said, Whether he be a sinner or no, I know not: one thing I know, that, whereas I was blind, now I see. (Joh 9:25) Jesus notoriously attacked blindness. Whether it was a physical impairment like the … Continue reading
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