Tag Archives: grace
Who is born…
Not again! How many times have you cried out in frustration that exact same phrase? It often means that whatever is happening presently has occurred at least once before. Yet in frustration, it simple means that the darn thing keeps … Continue reading
Jesus is the final sacrifice for all mankind. No one will ever be, can ever be, and need ever be a sacrifice acceptable and pleasing. Ever; or the day after that. Selah, or in today’s language, meditate on that for … Continue reading
The relay of grace…
“I love you, Mom.” These were the last words I spoke to her Thursday evening before she passed away early Friday morning. When my brother called me to tell me of her passing, I was relieved at first that she … Continue reading
Know God
2 Peter 1:2 KJVR Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord, How many times have you stepped into this trap of trying to know more about God? You study the … Continue reading
Knowing Father
Colossians 1:16 (16) For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for … Continue reading
I want you to read these two statements closely and think about which one you identify with more readily. God is my Father. My Father is God. Yes, at first glance there doesn’t appear to be must difference. Same words, … Continue reading
You’re nuts; crazy I tell you! How many times have you exclaimed that to someone, or worst yet, thought it about yourself? It speaks to the security that many have which is being attacked by a different, often diametrically opposed … Continue reading
I know that many of your reading this will claim wholeheartedly that you’re saved by grace. You’ve received your “get into heaven free” card from the Father. You’re happy, glad and sassy in this divine truth. Yet how many of … Continue reading
No one like your god – even you
Aloof. Narcissistic. Judgmental. High and mighty. Homophobic. Moralistic. Child Killer. Bigot. Those aren’t very flattering terms. These are, regrettably, the titles that have been plastered upon your god. You read that right, your god. Not the God of creation, but … Continue reading
The grace of… Episode 4
There they sit. Staring intently into each other’s eyes. Smiles radiate a magnitude of sheer joy that can only be expressed by the word, “Awe!” They love each other with a love that cannot be expressed through a cavalcade of … Continue reading
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