Tag Archives: grace
The grace of… Episode 5
“Keep your hands to yourself. If you break anything, you’re buying it!” The life of a child is filled with so many joy-packed moments like these, isn’t it? I recall an instance when these same word were spoken to my … Continue reading
The grace of… Episode 2
“In the beginning…” How many beginnings do you know that exist in the bible? Okay, Genesis 1:1 is a gimme. What else? Good, John 1:1 is another. Now comes the harder ones. Did you think of the one in Ephesian … Continue reading
The grace of… Episode 3
Genesis 1:1 KJVR (1) In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. You’ve read or heard it preached a million (it seems) times. It’s gotten to the point where you ignore the syntax, the linguistic plurality, the hermeneutical … Continue reading
The Grace of… Episode 1
Yes, this is a series. Why? Because I was told that my postings (which average about 500 words) were too long for the average person to follow on any type of social media. Seriously, I don’t give a tweet what … Continue reading
The Game of Grace
I had a friend relate to me recently a great story about the nature of grace that she never realized until I pointed it out. She was at a basketball game that was being held between two schools in her … Continue reading
The Business of Grace
The rich young entrepreneur comes to Jesus seeking an audience so that he can expand his future business. “How do I create more wealth in this life?” he asks. “You know what you’ve been taught from an early age. Don’t … Continue reading
Supernaturally Absurd
Remember the day that you believed that a woman took a cruse of oil and poured it out into all the pots in her village to pay off the people who wanted her sons as slaves? How excited you must … Continue reading
Suburban Christianity
Rows upon rows of box-like houses dot the landscape of every city of this country. What once used to be a wild expanse of scenery that anyone could freely enjoy has been sculpted into right-angle thoroughfares which have determined egress … Continue reading
Grace tares at the heart…
…for you are not under the law, but under grace. (Rom 6:14) Wheat and tares or sheep and goats. Which is it going to be people? Let me state right up front that I’m sick and tired – yes – … Continue reading
Imagine for a moment that you live in a society that has closely knit ties with each neighbor. You rely heavily on each other to help with tasks going on in each other’s *lives and protecting what belongs to the … Continue reading
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