Tag Archives: grace
The Lord’s Prayer 2.0
The disciples came to Jesus and asked him to teach them how to pray. What followed has for two millennium been tagged as the Lord’s prayer. However, the question you should ask yourself today is whether this model of prayer … Continue reading
False perceptions
Genesis 1:1 KJVR (1) In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. You’ve read or heard it preached a million (it seems) times. It’s gotten to the point where you ignore the syntax, the linguistic plurality, the hermeneutical … Continue reading
I changed my mind
Ask any man involved in a home decor issue with a woman what is the one statement that they fear more than any other and it will be, “I’ve changed my mind!” Nothing, not blood, vomit or dismemberment, sends a … Continue reading
IN and OUT
“Are you in or out?” This is a phrase most commonly declared in card games to the undecided player. Do you want to participate in the risk and potential of winning or sit out for the next go around? If … Continue reading
A Significant Emotional Event
Significant emotional events are the knots in the tapestry of each person life. Happiness or sadness, surprise or horror, fellowship or estrangement are just some of the trademarks we categorize these life changing events. Rarely do we realize that our … Continue reading
“But wait, there’s more!”
This is the tag line to every late night infomercial. There is a formula that can be followed by anyone wanting to sell a completely senseless product to those insomniacs who troll the television networks. Pitch the product; give a … Continue reading
The equalizer
You vs me. Us vs them. Competition is all the rage across the globe. It is fashionable to support your team, your company, your school, your community, your church, your country, your way of dressing and a whole host of … Continue reading
Jealous of this?
When was the last time that you were jealous because your neighbor watched television or mowed his yard? Or how about the last time that your coworker drove to work? Or perhaps the last time that our spouse washed clothes? … Continue reading
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