Tag Archives: teaching
Grace is a movement
Five boxes, fifteen years. There they sat. What had once adorned the shelves of my library now rests in an indistinct corner of my overflowing garage. It came suddenly, but it was inevitable, as most things of God are. The … Continue reading
Let us pray…
This is possibly the most religious season this nation has ever experienced. Everyone is praying! It seems that we’re praying for, or better yet, against a perception of evil. Here is the run down: Camp A is praying that their … Continue reading
We live in a world where the mysterious is avoided. We must have everything figured out. Yet, it is mysteries that drive us into new territories. Discovery broadens our ability to communicate more effectively. Children love discovery, adults hate it. … Continue reading
Stop and think for a moment!
Just how much do you hate freedom? Silly question, right? Who would ever consider not being free? This nation after all is the “…land of the brave and home of the free.” Brave, and some self-admittedly not so brave souls … Continue reading
The Price of Grace…part 3
Again, here is the thought I began this study on: Many talk and teach about grace but few, very few, are comfortable with the price. In my book There’s Only Grace I explored the reality of the incarnation of Jesus … Continue reading
The Price of Grace…Part 2
Here is the thought I began this study on: Many talk and teach about grace but few, very few, are comfortable with the price. Grace is reciprocal. That is how the Greeks viewed it even when Solomon was dedicating his … Continue reading
The Price of Grace
Over the past few months I have been involved in an intensely deep study on yet another facet of grace. I’m not prepared yet to reveal the wealth I’ve discovered, but I have seen this stream of thought trailing around … Continue reading
The Intentions of Grace
Here is the big question: What is the purpose of it all? There are a number of people talking about what is God’s original intention for man. Almost without fail, they link that intention to the following verse: Genesis 1:28 … Continue reading
So you call yourself a grace guy…
These days it appears that everyone is trying to getting on the grace band wagon (with the possible exception of a number of people who are opposed and you know who they are.) It seems that “grace” is the hot … Continue reading
Hyper-grace: Is it really true?
hyper- A prefix appearing in loanwords from Greek, where it meant “over,” usually implying excess or exaggeration ( hyperbole ) loan·word [lohn-wurd] noun a word in one language that has been borrowed from another language and usually naturalized, as wine, … Continue reading
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