So you call yourself a grace guy…

These days it appears that everyone is trying to getting on the grace band wagon (with the possible exception of a number of people who are opposed and you know who they are.) It seems that “grace” is the hot topic of the moment despite the fact that Paul has been proclaiming it for almost 2,000 years now! But that is beside the point. The point is: are you really that versed in grace?

I’ve been on this journey since 2010 and believe me, when I think I’ve reached the last thing to know about grace, a sudden onslaught of new revelation overwhelms me. If you’re sitting in your easy chair thinking you’ve reached the peak simply because you don’t live under the law or that you’re free to do anything you damn well please, honey, you’re still in spiritual training pants. (If this type of language offends you, Pampers then are more your fit.)

If you’re a grace guy, let me ask you how you’ve come to deal with the following issues in your theology?

How inclusive have you become? Who do you still look down upon? What people group have you recently riled against?

Do you still think that God hates certain people?

How have you reconciled the concept of an eternal separation from love known as hell?

How have you dealt with the satan and its influence in your sphere of influence?

Have you finally recognized that there are multiple perspectives in the scriptures that either accept or deny grace?

Have you ever wondered who truly wrote your favorite book in the bible?

How are you dealing with the sacrifice of God in Jesus?

What is the one book of the bible that you wish wasn’t there because it has no purpose for being there?

Have you finally buried Adam?

How have you handled the understanding that the first church was known by either being comprised of Jewish Christian or Gentile Christians and rarely each being assembled together?

Have you decided to preach the message of Christ as Paul did or as Peter did?

Have you finally decide to refer to material out of the fourth gospel rather than the book of John?

How are you dealing with the first 11 chapters of Genesis as a depiction of God’s grace?

How is grace daily working for you in the face of a long term illness or infirmity?

Why would I ask such random questions? Truly, this has been, and still is my journey in grace. Some might think that these topics don’t warrant any answer. My belief, now after having uncovered most of the answers, is quite the opposite. My dilemma is that now understanding what I do, it is difficult to listen to those who profess to know the answers but their ignorance betrays them.

Let me assure you, I don’t feel superior for this understanding. I hunger still for greater understanding, but I also long for those who profess themselves to be grace guys to at least entertain one or two of these questions. Conversations would be so much more enjoyable.

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