
Some questions left unanswered.

Why did Jesus prefer to die on the eve of Passover rather than on Yom Kippur?

What if “died for our sins” doesn’t mean what we’ve been taught it means?

How does the politically-influenced death of a young Jewish carpenter turned teacher 2,000 years ago change all of humanity in an instant?

What evidence do we have that there is power in the blood of one man to overcome evil?

What keeps people from acknowledging their accusations, and those around them, as the satan described in the scriptures?

What truly did dying really accomplish if people still die?

What is so spiritual about death if our purpose is to reign on earth?

If followers of Jesus are ambassadors of reconciliation, why do we need denominations?

If Jesus is the prince of peace, who declared that Armageddon was his final purpose?
Is it possible that this is a concept carried over from the flood/Noah narrative?

If Jesus is Emmanuel, God with us, how come we worship a god who is up there and out there rather than down here and in here?

Is it possible to make Jesus and/or Holy Spirit an idol according to the second commandment?

When do you think a fish learns that it lives in water? Is it about the same for us in the kingdom of God?

How come Jesus never told his 11 disciples what his death rectified so we could have a record of it rather than rely on the thoughts of man trying to justify why we killed God?

What is the purpose of a doctrine of inclusion if Christ is all in all?

Who, or what, are the powers that Jesus overcame? Are they relevant today or has their focus shifted allowing another to replace it?

What does it really mean to have all power in a power-less reality?

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