Challenging The Grace to Believe

hand in hand

I have been on this journey of grace long enough to have deconstructed all of my previous indoctrinations and form a belief founded on genuine divine encounters with serious meditation and contemplation. As much as I dislike making that claim due to the pompous nature it portrays, I know of no other manner presently to introduce the material which follows.

In the previous posting where I spoke about the grace to believe I indicated that having beliefs of any sort are neither right or wrong but merely evolving as we enter into our high calling. Recognizing that all beliefs are inherently weak because we create them to enable us to navigate through the struggles of life grace fills in the places we can’t anticipate or refuse to consider vital.

I am often pressed about what I do believe. This is a difficult position to be place in each time it arises simply because I recognize how those who are asking are seriously searching for answers to the questions in their lives which their current belief patterns can’t resolve. It is also challenging because anything I offer has been processed in my life through the events in my life and may not directly apply to them at this time. So typically, I just offer snippets which are designed to provoke thought and permit them to continue the process of inquiry with me as they so desire keeping in mind the old adage, “A teacher will appear when needed.”

What follows are snippets to my beliefs. I assure you that you will be challenged by what at first glance may be called heretical teachings. This does not bother me in the least. Heretic simply means a person who doesn’t espouse or follow the approved narrative. If this doesn’t describe Jesus, then why shouldn’t I receive the same level of honor. Buckle up. It’s about to get real.

1. The Omni God

Start with the beginning. Who is God? God is Love. Everything flows from this and this alone. Grace is the power of this love. When you declare how God is omnipotent, all-powerful, you are expressing the wonder and magnitude of His grace. When you declare God to be omnipresent, all-present, you cast down the vain thoughts of how God is up there, out there away from your daily activities and trials. And when you declare God to be omniscient, all-knowing, you accept how God being with you daily knows everything about what you face, and because of His love, deeply desires to help you. “I will never leave you nor forsake you” is absolute truth. Meditate on this until your knower can’t argue anymore.

2. The Habitation of God

God inhabits all of His creation. It is His word which brought it forth and it is His word which sustains it and keeps it. There is not one thing visible or invisible which is not a creation of His word. Accept that you are also a component of His creation. Wherever the word resides, the Creator abides. There has NEVER been a moment in the entire scope and passage of creation where the Creator, The Ground of All Being has not dwelt therein. The same yesterday, today and forevermore.

3. Oneness

As Jesus is one with the Father, so are you. You don’t suddenly become one with the Father by some confession. You have always been one. If you can’t fathom this possibility, see item 2.

4. Christ is not Jesus’s last name

Jesus is first and foremost a man. He was conceived, born, lived and died as a mortal. He experienced all the trials, tribulations, joys and pleasures open to mankind. He is no different from you and me. He ate and drank, had to relieve himself afterwards, and then went to bed only to arise and begin it all over again. The Christ is the revealed power from God which resides within. The Christ expresses the will of the Father for humanity. You are every much the Christ as Jesus is.

5. Jesus did not come to be a sacrifice for our sins.

Jesus stated quite clearly that he did not come to abolish the Law but to complete it. When He proclaimed at the cross that it was finished, the Law was completed in Him. The Law clearly states that the sacrifice for sins is made through a goat on Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, a yearly ritual conducted by the high priest in the fall. Jesus was crucified and died on the eve of the Passover; a yearly spring festival described in the Law. As the Lamb of God, Jesus fulfilled the sacrificial requirement specified in the Law. As the Passover sacrifice Jesus came to give us life and that life more abundantly just as the lamb had for the Hebrew children on the last night in the land of Egypt.

6. The second coming of Christ is you.

Many believe that Jesus will return one day. If they mean the man, this is highly circumspect. If they mean The Christ, He has been returning at every birth upon this planet. Regrettably, the majority of people on this planet cannot fathom this. The Jews were expecting a warrior king for their messiah when Jesus arrived. Today the religious world is looking for the same thing. Since He never changes why do we think he will come as something different from what he has already displayed? We grapple with the Holy Spirit coming upon all humanity while believing in a warrior god of our own imagination. It’s time to go within to our Self to see anew what it means to be You.

7. The Ten Commandments have been taught wrong

Jesus proclaimed a kingdom of God principle which many overlook. He stated that the first shall be last and the last shall be first. The first words given to Moses which established the corpus of The Law in Jewish history are a directive toward humanity to right the misfortunes cast upon humanity by Adam and the woman. The transgression of the woman stemmed from her desire. The result for following her desire was the expulsion of both her and Adam from the garden. When the Ten Words are read in reverse order, they fully explain the journey which occurs when inordinate desires are followed. The remaining 603 laws are simply an extension of the ten when viewed in this manner.

8. Eternal Torment is a projection of an inflated ego.

If you think that you or someone you know will spend the entire span of eternity being tormented because of some transgression which occurred, then you have control issues! Are your parents still beating you because you spilled milk as a child? If they are then they have control issues too! What about “God is Love” and “the same yesterday, today and forevermore” that you do not understand?

9. But the bible says…

Reading and writing is a luxury which the people of the bible longed for. What is commonplace for us today was a great rarity during the time of Jesus and Paul. Jesus would say, “You have heard it said…but I tell you…” simply because the people couldn’t read let alone even write. The greatest mystery of Jesus today is what he wrote in the dirt with the woman caught in adultery. The writer of this incident didn’t reveal it probably because he couldn’t read it and subsequently couldn’t convey it to the scribe who wrote the story he told it to. If you are compelled to accept only a literal interpretation of the bible, you are setting yourself up for trouble. Grace, here more than anywhere else in life, is what you have to employ to define what your actions will be as declared in this book.

10. The Enemy is your projection not something from God.

Jesus said that we are to love our enemy. God loves our enemy just as much as us. God doesn’t have enemies. God does have a satan which looks like you and me, but He never made the satan or the devil. If you want to dispute this with the story of a fallen angel, then read the book of Enoch where the story originally came from. If you still feel compelled to stick with this because of a revelation someone said they had then you need to look at their projection and ask where they a copying it from to take credit for it. The simplest way to refute this is simple to ask, “Does God see them as an enemy?”

11. All religion today is simply a rehash of someone else’s thoughts trying to understand the mystery of God in their life.

Welcome to the journey. They didn’t have the answer then just as you don’t today. Handle their revelation lightly as you cling tightly to what the Father unveils to you. There is freedom in the kingdom of God to allow you to explore the goodness it offers. When you feel constrained and limited in your walk it simply means that you’re following the traditions of man. Turn back within and rely on Self to move you back onto the path of your high calling.

This list is not exhaustive by any stretch. I’m fairly certain many of you will be challenged by what I have conveyed. The last thing I am asking you is to believe what I have expressed. These are beliefs I have because of the life I have experienced. They are not carved in stone but are composed on a heart which relishes the Presence of what I Am is offering. Grace wafts throughout undergirding them with the Love of The Ground of All Being. Since God is no respecter of person you have the same luxury to explore your beliefs as I do. You have nothing to lose except your shackles and prison clothes.

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