Tag Archives: teaching
Three is a Crowd
You ever tried to have an intimate moment with someone and suddenly another person steps in and crashes the mood? Of course, you have, particularly if you have kids. Well imagine how the Father feels in His relationship with you. … Continue reading
What the Church Cannot Admit
The institution known as “The Church” has been around since mankind began worshiping a reality higher than themselves. It spans across the globe in a variety of formats based on cultural biases, but the underlying premise is universal – man … Continue reading
Are you one?
Back in the day when I attended school, we had this course called math. We learned how to add, subtract, multiply, and divide without a calculator! We literally had to use our brains. There was also a study in fractions … Continue reading
Limitations of an Omni God
Have you ever considered the real purpose of grace? What does it do beside the obvious? Why does it seem to matter to mankind more than to God? That last claim probably tweaked your theological sensibilities a bit. And there … Continue reading
Challenging The Grace to Believe
I have been on this journey of grace long enough to have deconstructed all of my previous indoctrinations and form a belief founded on genuine divine encounters with serious meditation and contemplation. As much as I dislike making that claim … Continue reading
The Grace To Believe.
In case you haven’t discovered it yet, I am a “grace” guy. I function entirely through the realm of grace. As a matter of fact, so do you – whether you believe it or not. This is what I am … Continue reading
Revolution Refines a Revelation – An Ending
Can world events change a revelation about God’s character? In this final installment to a series of articles where I’ve been briefly examining history and how the American Revolution restored the gospel of grace to the world I’m going to uncover … Continue reading
Revolution Refines a Revelation – Part 3
Can world events change a revelation about God’s character? In this series of articles I’m briefly examining history and how the American Revolution restored the gospel of grace to the world. The Kingdom Message of The Church I need you … Continue reading
Revolution Refines a Revelation – Part 2
Can world events change a revelation about God’s character? In this series of articles I’m briefly examining history and how the American Revolution restored the gospel of grace to the world. Quelling the Masses Riots, revolts, and rebellions are the … Continue reading
Revolution Refines a Revelation – Intro
Can world events change a revelation about God’s character? In this series of articles you’ll have an opportunity to examine history and how the American Revolution restored the gospel of grace to the world. Introduction When John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, … Continue reading
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