There’s only Grace

Do you perceive grace? That is a rather difficult question to answer for most people. The reason is that they don’t know what grace truly is. They’ve been taught a number of doctrinal positions on what it is but honestly, perceiving it, that is another matter. You see perception is a matter of being able to discern, to determine or distinguish something that most often isn’t readily visible or apparent. It’s a hunch, a gut feeling, a premonition that conditions are leading to something…

The dilemma is that you must actively search for a perception to notice the conditions that warrant its existence. That is work. This is why most people never question their perceptions about anything. They picked through the bits and pieces that was presented to them from some book (like this one), a speaker, a podcast, movie, song, or left-overs from a drunken party of friends and adopt it as theirs never to consider the validity for it in their life. If the shoe fits, wear it.

It is my purpose here to shatter the perception of grace being a band-aid for the condition of mankind and open a way for the truth to be revealed to you. I’m going to take a weed whacker to your thoughts and open a hole for truth to appear to you. I hope that you caught what I just said. I did not say that I am going to reveal the truth to you. I can’t do that simply because grace is personal to each and every one of us. Its operation is uniquely designed to work in everyone’s life but only in a manner that can be distinguished by the person who can – yes, I’m going to say it – who can perceive it.

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