hand in hand

Seriously, just stop.

Now breathe, through your nose. Slowly, deeply. Let your belly rise with each inhalation.

There is a line from a song by the Police which states, “…every breath you take…” Keep breathing, deeply, through your nose.

In the second chapter of Genesis it states that God formed the man and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and he became a living soul.

Breathe deeply, through your nose. Your soul is being feed.

While you breathe, think about air. What does it look like? How do you know it is around you? Come on, make a mental image of it. It feeds your soul after all.

Breathe deeply, through your nose.

This is difficult, right? Thinking about the act of breathing is not “natural,” right?

Breathe in deeply, through your nose, expanding your belly with each breath.

Have you ever considered that God is like air? You can’t see him or touch him. For all practical purposes, He just doesn’t seem to be evident to our sight or any other sense we possess.

Keep breathing, deeply, through your nose.

You presently have a concept of what God looks like in your consciousness. It could be any of a number of things which have come to you through some form of indoctrination or social precept. While you continue to breath, close your eyes and take a moment to see the images you have fashioned about who God is to you.

Breathe. Again, breathe.

Air. Describe it as it relates to your soul. What does it look like? How does it feel? When do you desire it the most? Where do you think it is not necessary?

Breathe, deeply, ravenously, gratefully.

God. Father. Creator. “…every breath you take…” A living soul. In the image and likeness…

Breathe. Without ceasing. Eternal…

Stop! You can’t. Neither can He.

Breathe, again…and again.

A fight against God is like a fight against breathing. Hold your breath if you seriously believe He doesn’t care about you. It matters not what you believe, it matters who you have been inhaling from. Breathe, again.

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