Yes, a rant is coming.

I’ve had a few people question my actions during this pandemic. They seem perturbed that I somehow feel above the rest of the herd by not solemnly following the dictates which are being handed down from ivory towers of political/corporate structures. There are the shaming tactics of how dare you risk the lives of others during this global crisis. To all of this I shake my head in disbelief – not at what is being said, but how mindlessly gullible the world has become.

Let me be upfront with you. I have a family member who is in the “at-risk” category of this mess. 26 years ago, she came into this world a quadriplegic; unable to breath on her own, she has been kept alive by a respirator 24/7/365. Consider how, ten days after her birth, my wife and I are ushered into a small conference room filled with “experts” who tell us what her condition is, and then, how she won’t live more than two years because she will develop pneumonia from being attached to a vent; how she will need to have her limbs amputated because her skeletal form will not be able to support them as she grows; how there were no care facilities capable to handle her varied medical needs; so our choices were to keep her in ICU for an undetermined time, or take her home and wait for her soon anticipated demise, or pull her life support. WTF do “experts” know?

The late comedian George Carlin was fond of saying, “I have one rule in life: Don’t believe a fucking thing the government says.” At my age, I have lived through the Bay of Pigs fiasco; the assassination of an American president, his brother and the leading civil rights leader of the nation; the Vietnam war and its protests; a drug war; the Iranian hostage crisis; OPEC oil embargo and gas lines; 21% mortgage interest rates; the dot-com bubble; WACO, Ruby Ridge, Oklahoma bombing; the impeachment of a sitting president; a cold war, nuclear proliferation, the fall of communism in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, giving citizens the first breaths of freedom in a generation; I witnessed leaders in Africa, China and Vietnam purge their country of hundreds of millions of people because they were too “intellectual” or “different”; the ten-year cycle of polar ice caps melting because of global warming, which became climate change simply because the caps weren’t melting fast enough; 9/11 and the loss of many of our personal liberties all in the name of a war on terrorism; two Gulf-wars and the illusive hunt for weapons of mass destruction; the NSA, Snowden, Manning, Wikileaks and Julian Assange; the decimation of my IRA because some banks are too big to fail; Benghazi and the rule of politics over power (and don’t get me started on the blackhole of the last three years); but of course let us not forget mumps, measles, chicken pox, walking pneumonia, AIDS, SARS, Ebola, MERS, Bird flu, swine flu, H1N1; and so many more “national events” leading up to this, A NEW VIRUS, out of communist China, no less.

Allow me to be blunt here. The term, NEW, means that experts do not have a clue because they, “have never seen this before.” How many times have you heard or read that line over the past two months? Yet, people seem to think that the government and science has everything under control. WAKE UP! It is quite possible that you know more about this than anyone who claims to an expert. People, they are making this up as they go. The hope is that science will prevail and provide us with a vaccine. WAKE UP! It takes time to create a vaccine, like around 18 to 24 months! You going to stay sequestered in your home that long simply because an “expert” said to?

Their science relies on mathematical models which do not have the ability to factor in the one key element unique to mankind: The ability to independently think. So, what do they do to keep the model working on their behalf? Employ fear. Fear is the most primal human emotion. It shuts down all ability to think rationally. The constant display of daily deaths is no different than when Walter Cronkite displayed the number of soldiers killed in Vietnam every night in the 60’s and 70’s. “Save us, oh save us and our way of life!”

Life, as you have known it, is a ruptured pimple. No matter what the economic “experts” try to spew at you about how soon we’ll be back up and running just like before, it is only puss. Think of the industries which took the greatest hit, you know, the “non-essential” ones. How many of you, when your protectors finally permit you to leave your cage, are going to rush out get you hair cut, nails trimmed so you can go to a restaurant, and then the movies, or have a few drinks, and then see a concert? Honestly, you trust that these venues are now “safe” simply because they told you they are? Welcome to the second wave (of fear) they keep touting. “Stay at home where you are safe, and we can protect you until we get the vaccine to you.”

Look, I am out there in the public and it looks like a freaking zombie apocalypse has happened. People don’t look at you accept to find the best route to dodge away from you. Masks hide all ability to know if there is a smile behind the sullen eyes, and God forbid you run across a deaf person who reads lips! I refuse to wear a mask simply because I have a beard. Masks don’t work with beards according to OSHA. Besides, if everyone else is wearing one, thank you for keeping the environment safe for me.

But this is what concerns me. I had a small child, joyfully riding her bicycle down the street suddenly stop and call back to her mother for help about whether she should move forward, simply because I came around the yard 30 feet away from her! Gullible adults are infecting the minds of young people simply because an “expert” told some politician this is the “right” thing to do. Imagine how this will affect her life in 10, 20, 30 years.

So here are my parting words. If you are one of those who are at risk, do what you have always done – stay away from nut jobs who can’t, and refuse, to follow proper sanitization protocols. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, stop picking your butt and scratching your manly parts should not have be said, but obviously people are just plain ignorant of decent personal hygiene protocols. There is no need to invade the personal space of someone. If you can smell their deodorant, you’re too close! Get outside and dig around in the dirt. There are all kinds of diseases in the soil which never bothered you when you were growing up. Take the natural course to ward off the vaccine blues; Vitamins B1, C, D and K; Minerals Zinc, Potassium and Magnesium; Oregano Oil and Olive Leaf Extract round out the list. This concoction has kept our “at-risk” family functioning for over 26 years despite what the “experts” say.

And lastly, think! God gave you a brain, use it responsibly. Don’t tell me we are all in this together when everyone is spouting the same party-line BS. Together is not sameness. Everyone is doing their best with what they have available for them. To jump all over anyone who you feel is not living up to some arbitrary standard simply proves to me that you are not doing your best with what you have available. Here is why you are shut in. The intention of keeping people apart is not for health reasons, it is to keep people from interacting in conversation which might expose just how naked the ruler is in his “new” robe of authority. Do your best to ignore what they deem to be best for you so long as they parrot, “we’ve never seen anything like this before.”

PS. Whether you want to admit it or not, a disease that kills old people, like me, isn’t news. People die, every day, in many ways and their departure, while tragic to the families left behind to grieve, doesn’t really make an impact like the MSM wants it to be made. In the last three years I have had my parents, my best friend, and three other great friends die. It comes with being human. It is our greatest fear and it sells. Remember that: it sells.

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