Spiritual Tools – Part Five

hand in hand

Whether you realize it or not, everyone is on a journey towards spiritual enlightenment. Many travel the path intentionally, while others only experience it when they cross over with their last breath. For those of us who are serious about reaching for all that we can spiritually achieve in this life the search for tools to ensure our progress becomes a vital aspect of our journey. David R. Hawkins M.D., Ph.D. in his book “Transcending the Levels of Consciousness” has described what he calls spiritual tools which any devotee can employ to transcend into spiritual enlightenment.

Through the past few postings, I have been exploring some of these tools which include kindness, reverence, asking for wisdom, and intentional looking. The tool in this post is possible the heaviest one to handle and is taught broadly across all spiritual traditions.

Spiritual Tool #5

Forgive everything that is witnessed and experienced, no matter what.

This tool, more than other, is a direct assault on your ego. Each of us lives a perceived reality which is entirely shaped by our ego. The minute-by-minute chatter which goes on in our head is the egoic justification we endure to center our reality wherein we are the sole victor. This is happening to everyone, every day, all the time. Your reality and the reality of your neighbor are not identical no matter how much you might think they are. The only common denominator is how you’re both seeking to not be seen as wrong or weak.

As Christ hung from the cross, his uttered, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.” This is the model which Christians use to teach forgiveness. Yet, most people will confess that Christians are the most unforgiving people on the planet. How is this possible? It might be found in this tool at the juncture labeled, “…no matter what.”

Yes, someone trampled on your ego. Feelings/pride got bruised or hurt and you felt less they who you think you are. So what? Besides you, who really cares? You can stop reading here if you want, but isn’t running away what you always do when your ego is confronted with a truth it can’t surmount?

For a moment let’s both agree on this one thing: we are ignorant.

Our ego likes to think that we know everything about everything and everyone. We don’t. This is how you have created a perceived reality. Socrates said that men can only choose what they believe to be good. Ignorance is a poison to belief. In other words, none of us knows what is good because we lack the fullness of the knowledge of good.

How many of those involved in the crucifixion of Christ thought what they were doing was good? Probably all of them. Yet, he asks the Father to forgive them because of their ignorance.

Human ego when confronted by spiritual truth cannot survive so it will often fake its death and resurrect itself as spiritual pride. The spiritual pride of many Christians believes that they have the Truth, and therefore are beyond ignorance in spiritual matters. Their ignorance is not recognizing how having Truth and being Truth operate on different realms of existence.

For now, let’s both agree how none of us wants to hear someone say to us, “…forgive them Father for they are ignorant of…” If that claim doesn’t raise the cockles of your ego than you haven’t been paying attention – no matter what!

Look Christ, Buddha, Krishna all proclaimed how all error is due to ignorance. You are not immune. Some of your biggest mistakes in life have been because you just didn’t know. Regrettably, your ego still to this day will not allow you to forget it either.

Please understand that there is huge difference between being ignorant and being stupid. I am in no way saying that you are stupid. Your ego does a better job of that than I might even consider myself capable of. However, ignorance is the touchstone of our bond. Yes, we are ignorant in many differing fields. There is no harm in admitting this unless your ego thinks it keeps you from being all you desire to be.

Let’s try to keep a front line of defense against our ego by being humble enough to say, “Forgive me Father for being ignorant.” Maybe we can then begin to forgive – no matter what!

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