Spiritual Tools – Part Six

hand in hand
I stated in the last posting about the spiritual tool of forgiveness and how it is the heaviest tool to wield. Much of the focus on that tool was dealing with how your ego in its groping for dominance is willing to risk being ignorant on a matter in an effort to appear right. Recognizing how this trait in each person is prevalent throughout our daily activities we need to first accept forgiveness for our own ignorance so that we can then forgive others.

As easy as it is to say this, the “doing” part of it is where we get stuck over and over again. This brings us to the next spiritual tool which in many ways is the catalyst towards forgiveness as described in David R. Hawkins M.D., Ph.D. book “Transcending the Levels of Consciousness”.

Spiritual Tool #6

Approach all of life with humility and be willing to surrender all positionalities and all mental/emotional arguments or gain.

Humility is where our ego/pride dies. It is said that pride goes before a fall. When the fall occurs – and it always does – humility is all that is left. The natural response is to either then to ask for forgiveness for our self from others as the final nail to the death of our ego or allow our ego to resuscitate itself is the dark recesses of shame and guilt.

Our ego seeks to parade about thinking it is capped with a jewel-encrusted crown which causes all to fall in obedience. Rarely are we capable of recognizing how the mental stabbing pains of carrying such a crown is really the crown of thorns which is the only head piece our ego truly deserves to wear.

Read this next statement out loud. I do not KNOW anything. This is a true statement. It is not meant to demean, humiliate, or disgrace you. Understand that to KNOW something, you must BE that thing. You can learn about something through reading, listening, or viewing videos, however, all you have is partial information. Until you BE-come all your information is simply data points on a continuum of knowledge.

Did you have difficulty accepting the claim about not knowing anything? Most people do. The reason is really quite simple: They refuse to surrender who they believe they are and the narrative they project to underscore their belief.

Humility is all about surrender. As this tool declares spiritual seekers are willing to relinquish their hold on the positions that have taken; the mental gamesmanship it takes to maintain every position; and the emotional arguments bent on gaining the upper hand towards any position. Surrender in this manner is not weakness or defeatist – it is acceptance to the truth. You do not KNOW anything.

This entire concept is probably turning your ego over and over attempting to justify a response. Justification is only a device employed by the ego to stay in a perceived position of superiority. But are you willing to give that perceived position up? Are you willing to forego the mental dialogue you’re conducting right this moment in order to be humble?

Humility is a responsibility. Many run from taking any type of responsibility in many areas of their lives. There are those who take responsibility to justify their actions not only with themselves but to those around them. This too is the work of the ego.

There are the rare few who responsibly chose to remain humble at all costs – even at the cost of life itself. Christ is the prime example of humility. His actions during the drama leading up to and during the crucifixion represent the surrender of positionality and the mental/emotional argument for the gain of his life. His final words of, “Forgive them Father for they know not what they do…” demonstrates how humility and forgiveness work hand in hand.

This burden of this tool might seem too heavy to bare. I submit to you how it might be best if you ease into it in areas of your life where your ego feels less threatened. Every victory you have with humility, even small ones, work to diminish the ability of the ego to hamper your spiritual journey. You have chosen this lifestyle so live it to its fullest, humbly.

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