Grace – The agent that tarnishes gold

Cause and effect. Reaping and sowing. The Golden Rule.

Doesn’t matter how you describe it, grace overwhelms it. How is that possible?
Let’s consider the verse from the book of Galatians, 6th chapter.

Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man sows, that shall he also reap.
(Gal 6:7)

If I think for a moment that I can walk up to you, punch you in the nose and then walk away without some action, either violent or legal, occurring to me in return, I am being foolish. The world’s system of justice isn’t set up that way to begin with and that is because the scriptures have played an integral role in shaping social discourse over the years.

When I was growing up we were always admonished on the playground to follow the Golden Rule – a rule which actually is recited by Jesus in the book of Matthew. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” would come wafting over the din of children bickering and fighting over who had the right to use the swing next. Let’s face it, that rule is a cop out to trying to keep the peace. If you really want to break it down logically, this rule implies that we can chose when, where and with whom we feel obliged to show off our “Christian nature.” Sorry people, humanity isn’t wired like that. Life happens 24/7 and you don’t turn on the charm just to get a brownie point in the annals of heavenly bookkeeping. Or in other words, God will not be mocked.

Sowing and reaping is something that is always happening. You can’t turn it on or off. Give a gift, get one in return. Flip someone off on the freeway and receive the same in return. Smile and get one back. Kick the dog and…well you know where this is leading. You can’t turn the operation off, period. End of discussion. Maybe…

If you’re a die-hard fan of this reciprocal nature of the Golden Rule/Sowing and Reaping thing, what I’m about to say won’t sit too well. Aren’t you glad that God doesn’t believe in the Golden Rule or sowing and reaping? I mean consider what that would look like at the cross of Jesus. Eye for an eye, or a tooth for a tooth? Your body beaten and tortured for no reason other than political gain and then hung up naked to be mocked and ridiculed? You looking for the Golden Rule now? You want to defend sowing and reaping now?

At the height of all the drama at the cross, God in Jesus cancelled the Golden Rule through a simple prayer. “Forgive them Father, they know what they do.” Grace included all of us in that prayer regardless of our nationality, age, social status, or economic acumen. Throughout history grace has been tarnishing the Golden Rule by showing how forgiveness is the proper model of how we must interact with all people.

In these days, months and years ahead, let’s quit bickering about how whatever is being done around the world by whatever people groups is causing the demise of society. Pull the grace card and give it a chance to demonstrate how peace can truly unify the world. If you truly want to be a Christian, forgive and forget. God did.

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