Limitations of an Omni God

hand in hand

Have you ever considered the real purpose of grace? What does it do beside the obvious? Why does it seem to matter to mankind more than to God?

That last claim probably tweaked your theological sensibilities a bit. And there is a reason for that. Wherever there is the presence of lack, real or perceived, then a “tendency” is manufactured to level the differences so all parties are able to maintain homeostatis. “Tendency” runs a gambit of conditions from mental health to economic health, social wellness to physical well-being. If there is a “lack” in any area, grace fills the void, right? Really? Hold that thought for a moment.

God is omni. It is a term which means, “all.” Omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent. All-powerful, all-knowing, all-present. When you use the term “all” there is no possibility to leave anything out, or to be lacking. This also makes God omnist – one who believes in all religions.

Israel recognized that there is only one God. Theirs was, and still is, a monotheistic faith. The Christian narrative developed out of this tradition and still claims after 2,00 years the validity of this God who is one with all and in all. One with omni and in omni.

You might not have considered how being Omni does have a limitation associated with it. Try as you may to find this limitation, the overwhelming nature of Omni eclipses this weakness and yet, it is the driver behind the very nature of God declared throughout the New Testament writings: God is love. Love is not the limitation – being in the relationship is.

Allow me to demonstrate this point for a moment. Presently, there are over 7 billion people in the world. How many of them do you NOT have a relationship with? Obviously, you don’t know about them just as they don’t know about you, so having any kind of relationship beyond a cursory one would be monumental on your part. The sheer quantity is the overwhelming factor to the limitation to your finite body/mind.

The Omni God, however, does know each and every one of the inhabitants of His creation. The love which abundantly flows from Him is equally portioned and available to each person regardless of…

But they don’t know Him. They don’t know He is with and within them. He is All and yet not if they, you, and me don’t acknowledge Him.

Scientists have posited that a thing only exists if it is observed. Until the observer turns its attention toward the thing, it doesn’t coalesce. You may not believe this to be true, however, who has turned their eyes upon you to allow you to make such a contradiction of thought valid? Who is able to look upon ALL as an expression of love for just being in a relationship?

All of us have at one time or another been in a relationship which went in a direction we had not foreseen or desired. We’ve taken every step to purge all the memories of this ill-fated bond and moved on with life. Out of sight, out of mind. Then one day, quite unexpectedly something triggers you. It could be a word, a song, a smell, a date on the calendar, a book on a shelf, just something innocuous causes a flood to capture your thoughts about this person who you have believed you had forgotten. Suddenly there IS the relationship.

In the fog of your chaotic thoughts, grace is the lighthouse beacon pointing you from the shoals of despair and depression. It is the reminder that the sun is still shining above the haze and will penetrate this moment too. Your course and destination are not in what you think you see but what you know to be true at the heart of your spirit. Herein is the residence of the divine you, ALL of You.

Grace allows you to move onward through forgiveness not ignorance. Many believe they can ignore a matter and proceed forward in whatever endeavor they have embarked upon. They naively believe that since they don’t have to think about the OTHER involved in this matter, there are not conditions which will dictate their advancement.

If you want to limit an omni-god, don’t forgive. Then see how this works out for you.

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