The Demise of Grace – Part 4

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In the previous post it was revealed how the second posting in this series was not written by me but rather was generated by an artificial intelligence program. I fed this program the following information in order for it to generate the content: The title; keywords of grace, ego, level of consciousness, and David R. Hawkins; and the subheadings. I also had it review the first posting in this series to recognize my writing style. I entered these few items, and the result of the second posting, which henceforth I will refer to as the “AI-posting,” is what it produced. Only thing I added to the content was the opening paragraph which declared that what was being read was part of an experiment.

Context or Content

Technology these days is moving rapidly to the point where machines will be handling the “menial” work leaving humans with time to devote their lives to…

That phrase is pure propaganda. So is the second posting in this series. The question is are you able to distinguish it as such or are you following the herd?

The purpose of propaganda is to create a narrative which shapes context about reality and then floods the senses with content to support the narrative. The unsuspecting masses believe that what they are consuming is truth and blindly follow whatever is being promoted. When this process is viewed through understanding the levels of consciousness, the purpose and techniques all fall below level 200 which is defined as integrity.

According to Dr. Hawkins, the levels below 200 all require force to maintain themselves. This force can be physical but many times it is psychological. Many tyrants and even institutions operate below 200 simply due the need to control the populace. The use of propaganda is to create first a specter of fear and then develop a means to overcome the fear which is under the control of the person who initiated the message to begin with.

Controlling Grace

If there is one issue I have taken great efforts to debunk on this site from the very beginning is the narrative which has been handed down to us over millennia about grace being the “unmerited favor of God.” The AI-posting leads off with this in the first subheading:

Grace is defined as the free and unmerited favor of God, the disposition to or an act or instance of kindness, courtesy, or clemency.

This is the classical definition that religion has been promoting since the times of Noah. It views God as an up-there, out-there deity who seeks to punish the entire world for being “sinners” but is willing to offer a reprieve from any judgment as a show of his grace as a kind ruler. Does any of this sound like an integris claim? If God is Love (level 500) then why does this description shriek more like the pride (level 175) of a despot?

On the Level

The consciousness level of integrity is the demarcation line of where actions require force or actions demonstrate power. Pride, greed, shame, grief, fear, desire, anger, and apathy are all lower levels of consciousness which reside below the level of integrity. Within these lower levels force must be employed to hold onto these thought patterns not only in yourself but within a social structure. This is the realm of ego.

This is the claim I made in the first post of this series. I recognize how introducing the model of levels of consciousness to many people of the religious persuasion can cause an immediate rejection because of the claim that this type of material is “not spiritual.” This is often more an expression of pride – spiritual in thought, but pride none the less. My only rebuttal, even if I needed to provide one, would be how such a response is evident of thoughts operating below the level of integrity.

We are all spiritual beings traveling through a human experience. Below level 200 is where the human predisposition for survival is fully expressed by the ego. Once level 200 is crossed, the ego begins its steady regression from first position to second position as the spiritual nature moves to the forefront.

Since this series is about what I see to be the demise of grace, my focus will be bringing attention to those thoughts and attitudes which are bound to the ego-mind which functions below the 200 level of consciousness. I recognize that many of you might already be above this level, however, allow this to be reminder of the potential traps all of us can enter into if we should slip below the mark of integrity.

In the next posting I will finish the expose on the AI-posting by looking at how it plays to the ego by demanding a level of consciousness it hasn’t achieved. Moving forward and upward…

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The Demise of Grace – Part 3

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The last posting was an experiment. It was designed to see how you would react to what the message was promoting. The responses, while few in number, were revealing in many ways. But how does this experiment portray the demise of grace? How do the responses also fall into this demise status?

The Back Story

Recently I met with a few intrepid spiritual sojourners in our weekly workshop. On this particular evening we were presented with the following video as a point of discussion. I recommend you watch it before proceeding forward.

I had only become aware of this technology days prior and only in a passing manner. So, while I knew what it was about, I was stunned by the depth in which it could and had been employed.

The was much discussion which followed covering a breadth of territory which only a subject like this could spark. At the end of the evening, it was pretty clear that we all agreed that no matter how far this technology goes, how will those who will be the ones driving this content be monitored and policed, if required.

Leveling Up

In the first article of this series, I stated my intention as follows:

My intention is to move us into the higher levels of consciousness beyond the level of integrity. As I proceed with these writings you may find that some of the materials hit too close to home. Grace is identical at every level, but our understanding of it is often stunted by a level of thought we have never encountered before or have difficulty in accepting. Whatever result this produces within you, stay the course for the answer will be revealed to carry you higher.

Talk about levels of consciousness might seem odd to many (especially in relationship to spiritual matters) but it comes from the work accomplished by David R. Hawkins M.D., PhD. In his ground-breaking book entitled “Power versus Force.” In this study he calibrated consciousness, or thought patterns, on a graduated scale which he established from 0 to 1000. What he discovered is how at level 200, which he called the level of integrity, there is a shift in whether one functioned from a position of force or from a position of power.

It is at these higher levels where true spiritual disciplines reside. Level 1,000 is the level of Christ and Buddha; level 600 is enlightenment; level 500 is unconditional love; level 400 is reason; level 350 is forgiveness and acceptance; level 310 is willingness. Within these levels the power of the thoughts is dominate as it is released in the actions which transpire.

Examining the Experiment

If I was to summarize the content from the previous post it might read like:

Grace is defined as the free and unmerited favor of God, the disposition to or an act or instance of kindness, courtesy, or clemency. It is often thought of as a virtue and a sign of humility and respect. In today’s society, it is a rare and often overlooked concept. If we are to restore grace to our society, we must first change our level of consciousness.

Please make note of the crucial word “If” at the beginning of the summary declaration. In logic terms this establishes an “either/or” condition to the claim. Either I did or I didn’t. For your consideration, the “I” who wrote the summary is the same “I” who wrote the previous post. However, in both cases, it wasn’t me. Welcome to the world of AI!

The Next Step

In the next post I will break down what you may have thought was a human-centered writing about a topic which I have been solely promoting on this venue. I am not attempting to justify my actions in this matter, whether you deem them to be right or wrong, but simply to provide an Integris explanation from the consciousness level 200. If I’m going to explore the demise of grace, this appears to be a good place to start. Upward we go.

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The Demise of Grace – Part 2

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In light of the purpose to this series I defined in the previous post, the following is an experiment. See if you can determine the result. The answer to this experiment will follow in the next post and just might shock you.

In the modern world, grace seems to be a thing of the past. In the hustle and bustle of daily life, we are so often engulfed in our own egos and the pursuit of success that we forget to be kind to one another. But grace has not always been forgotten. In fact, it has been an integral part of human life for centuries, and its absence has been noticed in recent times.


Grace is defined as the free and unmerited favor of God, the disposition to or an act or instance of kindness, courtesy, or clemency. It is often thought of as a virtue and a sign of humility and respect. In today’s society, it is a rare and often overlooked concept. We have become so consumed with the “rat race” that we have forgotten the importance of grace and kindness. We are so wrapped up in our own desires and ambitions that we forget to show others consideration and compassion.

We are so focused on getting what we want, on achieving success, that we neglect to think of others. We are so caught up in our own worlds that we often forget to stop and appreciate the beauty of life. We fail to recognize the small moments of grace that fill our days, such as a kind word from a stranger or a helping hand when we need it most. We forget to be grateful for the people around us and the blessings we have been given.

The Demise

The decline of grace in our modern world has been noted by many. David R Hawkins, author of “Power vs. Force”, described the decline of grace as a decline in our level of consciousness. He argued that when we are focused on our own individual pursuits, we are less likely to be in tune with the needs of others. We become so focused on our own goals that we become disconnected from the world around us.

This decline in consciousness is also evident in the way we interact with one another. We are so focused on our own lives that we often forget to show grace and kindness to those around us. We become so wrapped up in our own affairs that we forget to extend a helping hand to someone in need. We are so focused on our own egos that we forget to be gracious and considerate of others.

The lack of grace in our society is not just evident in our interactions with one another, but in the way we view the world. We are so focused on achieving success and acquiring wealth that we forget to appreciate the beauty of life. We are so focused on our own pursuits that we fail to see the beauty of the world around us. We become so focused on our own ambitions that we forget to take a step back and appreciate the simple joys of life.

What is Needed

It is clear that if we are to restore grace to our society, we must first change our level of consciousness. We must become more mindful of the needs of others and be willing to extend a helping hand. We must become more aware of the beauty of life and be willing to appreciate the small moments. We must be willing to be humble and gracious, and to put the needs of others before our own.

We must also be willing to break down the barriers of ego. We must be willing to recognize the importance of humility and respect, and to be willing to let go of our own needs in order to serve the needs of others. We must be willing to put aside our pride and to be open to the possibility of grace.

Finally, we must be willing to make simple choices. We must be willing to choose kindness over ego, to make time for those we love, and to be willing to be present in the moment. We must be willing to be mindful of our words and actions, and to be willing to recognize when we are wrong. We must be willing to take a step back and recognize the beauty of life, and to choose love over fear.

Simple Choices

The restoration of grace does not have to be a complicated process. All it takes is a few simple choices. We can choose to be kind, to be humble, and to be mindful of our words and actions. We can choose to be present in the moment, to be open to the possibility of grace, and to be willing to put the needs of others before our own.

We can choose to break down the barriers of ego and to be willing to recognize when we are wrong. We can choose to make time for those we love and to be willing to extend a helping hand. We can choose to be grateful for the blessings we have been given and to be mindful of the beauty of life.

Grace is something that can be found in the simplest of moments. All it takes is a few simple choices. All it takes is the willingness to be kind and to be humble. All it takes is the willingness to recognize the importance of grace and to be open to the possibility of it in our lives.

Grace is something that we have been missing for far too long. But with a few simple choices, we can restore it to our society. We can choose to be kind, humble, and mindful. We can choose to be present in the moment and to be open to the possibility of grace. We can choose to be grateful for the blessings we have been given and to recognize the beauty of life. We can choose grace and, in doing so, make this world a better place.

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The Demise of Grace – Part 1

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Today, the world is fractured. There are forces at play keeping humanity divided along national, ethic, social, economic, and many other subcategories all intended to eradicate the divine principle this nation was founded upon, e pluribus unum, out of many, one.

Joh 17:21 That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.

Grace can be seen as the divine animating power of Love; a power which attracts and binds the cosmos together in union with it’s Creator. When grace is neglected and diminished, division and separation naturally occurs. What causes grace to be abandoned, particularly when it is so needed in times such as these?

Pro 16:18 (MSG) First pride, then the crash– the bigger the ego, the harder the fall.

I have made reference to the works of David R Hawkins, M.D., Ph. D. dealing with understanding the levels of consciousness. Over these next few writings, I am going to explore how levels of consciousness move us from a linear perspective to a non-linear reality and how this shift affects our ability to function and utilize the grace we all possess.

“The self identifies not only with the mind, but also with the content – which becomes “my” memory, “my” senses, “my” thoughts, “my” emotions, “my” property, “my” success, “my” failure, “my” expectations, “my” feelings, and so on. Identification presumes ownership and authorship; thus, the ego sees and believes itself to be a personal, separate causal agent and the inferred source of its own existence.” David R Hawkins, M.D., Ph. D., Dissolving the Ego, Realizing the Self

You are not your ego/mind. Any argument to the contrary is merely a display of how low level the nature of consciousness is operating at. The ego is narcissistic in its nature and only seeks its benefit even at the expense of the life of the person it is operating in. Dying for a religious cause is just one example of this. History is full of other examples. Yes, even your history.

Pride is a low level of consciousness. We are taught in religious environs how it was the cause of the fall within the angelic realm. If it could happen there, it most surely can and does happen in mankind. And yet we are encouraged to show pride for our country, its flag, our leaders, our sports teams, our standard of living and our ability to overcome adversity. So surely not all pride is destructive, right?

The consciousness level of integrity is the demarcation line of where actions require force or actions demonstrate power. Pride, greed, shame, grief, fear, desire, anger, and apathy are all lower levels of consciousness which reside below the level of integrity. Within these lower levels force must be employed to hold onto these thought patterns not only in yourself but within a social structure. This is the realm of ego.

While I began this post dealing with the nature of the world, change in any conceivable form will only transpire on a personal level first. So, if I make mention of the macro effects of consciousness it requires a micro effect first on the lowest element in the cluster.

My intention is to move us into the higher levels of consciousness beyond the level of integrity. As I proceed with these writings you may find that some of the materials hit too close to home. Grace is identical at every level, but our understanding of it is often stunted by a level of thought we have never encountered before or have difficulty in accepting. Whatever result this produces within you, stay the course for the answer will be revealed to carry you higher. Buckle up, we’re heading up.

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Spiritual Tools – Part Eight

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We’re drawing to the end of the spiritual tools described in the book “Transcending the Levels of Consciousness” by David R. Hawkins M.D., Ph.D. So far, I’ve written about kindness, reverence, asking for knowledge, looking with intention, forgiveness, humility, and selfless service. Each of these tools, as I have stated, are simple to apply towards your journey of spiritual enlightenment. Today, this next spiritual tool is the accumulated result of the prior tools.

Spiritual Tool #8

Make one’s life a living prayer by intention, alignment, humility, and surrender. True spiritual reality is actually a way of being in the world.

I recently heard someone claim how most people see God as a spiritual butler charged with the task of getting things for us and cleaning up our messes. I heartly agree – even I have been doing those same things too!

I would like to draw your attention to is the term “living prayer.” No western religious institution ever prepares its congregants to ascend to this level.

To some prayer is a means to tell God how sorry you are for the bad things you perceive you have done which will keep you out of heaven. In other circles, prayer is the routine where you remind God of any of a multitude of promises found in the bible which after some 3,000 years, your bible search program says belong to you. In some parts of the world prayer is the time where you extol God for all the curses He has heaped on your enemies. These definitions are far from a “living prayer.”

Your religious training will probably recall how the disciples of Jesus asked him to show them how to pray. Not many remember what the stated intention of the disciples were for asking Jesus to teach them. Yet, the ego is again at the forefront of this development. The disciples saw how John had taught his disciples pray and they wanted to be like them (or better).

Jesus saw through the disciple’s ruse and directed them to a higher level of consciousness. What many believe to be the Lord’s prayer is actually the disciple’s prayer to spirituality. Jesus was not trying to show them how to successfully pray but how to be a living prayer.

You know how living is a 24/7/365 business, whereas prayer is a one-time deal. When you mention “living prayer” is turns people away because they feel how there is no possible way to be praying all day long! While the apostle Paul even exhorts us to pray without ceasing, the ingrained perception of prayer only occurring at a certain time of day for a certain period of time is hard to break.

The primary item which must be overcome is intentionally eliminating the monologue of prayer and align with the dialogue nature of prayer. This means you will have to surrender to the notion that you are the only one who has a speaking role.

A dialogue has two components: the verbal and the non-verbal. Many think that talking is what a dialogue is all about. Get your point across and your done. A dialogue requires humility to allow the other to offer their thoughts. This is not as easy as it seems, particularly when a false premise is made. The ego is going to do everything in its power to defend the false premise, regardless of who made it. Most dialogues dissolve on this one issue.

The non-verbal aspect of a dialogue is thought to be the time when you mentally rebuttal what has been said. Often people miss the entire meaning to a response simply because they tune out the other person while they prepare their argument to what was just said to them. The ego is willing to play the prosecutor/judge just to keep a position of superiority. Do you seriously believe this is how God deals with you in prayer? Oh…I forgot! Monologues don’t permit a rebuttal.

The non-verbal element in a dialogue is “presence centric.” It is humbly accepting the other into the space of your life. It is allowing the energies from the other to mingle with your energies. It is receiving the equality of service being offered which transcends the limitation of words.

While listening is a vital component here, sensing is just as important. Sensing requires you to focus your attention less on what is being said and more on how what is being thought is affecting the other. I’m not saying that you need to become a mind reader. Words are limitations. They are the lowest form of communication because they lack an absolute meaning and thereby don’t have the ability to accurately convey the fullness of a thought.

Your spirit will sense a matter long before you have the words to describe it. Being a daily living prayer is living in The Presence sensing more than talking. It requires intentionality. Brother Lawrence wrote in “Practicing the Presence” about his daily journey as a living prayer in The Presence. He discovered how the ritual of prayer could not satisfy his desire for God’s presence. He began to seek and uncover the Presence in everyday tasks. He has become the model of living a spiritual reality in the world through humility and intention.

Since you’ve gotten this far in the spiritual tools, this one should be a piece of cake to implement. Being a living prayer in this world is simply living the spiritual life in The Presence.

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Spiritual Tools – Part Seven

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The spiritual daily life will be one of the least pleasant undertakings if you think you are going to accomplish it with the same thinking that you use to carry out other tasks during your day. In the book “Transcending the Levels of Consciousness” by David R. Hawkins M.D., Ph.D. the nature of perception is revealed as an artificial construct of our ego. With the fourth tool I began to explore intention as a tool for sight.  This tool demands us to look at what are the intentions for why we seek after things.

Spiritual Tool #7

Be willing to forego all perceptions of gain, desire, or profit and thereby be willing to be of selfless service to life in all its expressions.

Desire is the fuel of our ego. Desire is the catalyst to our perceptions.

From an early age we seek to possess those things which soothe our needs. It could begin as a teething ring, nipple, favorite blanket, or toy which we desire so we can sleep. As we grow and mature, we develop “tastes” for new things from electronics to vehicles, clothing to makeup, sports to hobbies, education to religious doctrines, and so much more.

Across all media platforms we are inundated with pitches which appeal to some facet of our ego. They show us how to appear younger or older; how a product will make you look like a certain person or group of people; how having a product can socially elevate us above the people we are working with; how a degree from some particular institution will promote you faster in the workplace; how some drug will be able to enhance your libido and draw the opposite sex to you; how…

Each one of these appeals to the ego are based upon the perception which we have crafted about how our life should appear. This crafted life is all about the narcissistic yearnings we seek to feed.

Spiritual life is intentional. As this tool claims, one must “be willing.” I understand that willingness is also a characteristic of the worldly egoic life, however, spiritual willingness is directed not to the needs of the self as much as to the needs of others.

In the worldly egoic life there is the perception that one must not have any possessions, no titles, and no financial resources to live the spiritual life. Walking the spiritual path means not allowing possessions, titles, and resources to be attached to you. Recognizing how these are merely expressions of the self-gratification of our ego is the first step on the spiritual journey.

Selfless service is only capable when your actions aren’t dictated by how it will make you feel or appear to others. The saying, “It’s not about you, it’s about Him,” is the vanguard of those who live a spirit-filled life.

As simple as this tool is it is also the most subtle to implement. It demands a rigorous assessment from us towards all our thoughts and actions. It’s easy to do “good” works for people once or twice a year but doing it every moment of every day requires an inner strength and belief which caters to others first and foremost. This strength is developed as the ego dies to its agenda of self-exaltation.

Start today asking yourself if what your doing benefits you first or someone else first. You’ll know exactly what path you’re on by your answer.

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Spiritual Tools – Part Six

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I stated in the last posting about the spiritual tool of forgiveness and how it is the heaviest tool to wield. Much of the focus on that tool was dealing with how your ego in its groping for dominance is willing to risk being ignorant on a matter in an effort to appear right. Recognizing how this trait in each person is prevalent throughout our daily activities we need to first accept forgiveness for our own ignorance so that we can then forgive others.

As easy as it is to say this, the “doing” part of it is where we get stuck over and over again. This brings us to the next spiritual tool which in many ways is the catalyst towards forgiveness as described in David R. Hawkins M.D., Ph.D. book “Transcending the Levels of Consciousness”.

Spiritual Tool #6

Approach all of life with humility and be willing to surrender all positionalities and all mental/emotional arguments or gain.

Humility is where our ego/pride dies. It is said that pride goes before a fall. When the fall occurs – and it always does – humility is all that is left. The natural response is to either then to ask for forgiveness for our self from others as the final nail to the death of our ego or allow our ego to resuscitate itself is the dark recesses of shame and guilt.

Our ego seeks to parade about thinking it is capped with a jewel-encrusted crown which causes all to fall in obedience. Rarely are we capable of recognizing how the mental stabbing pains of carrying such a crown is really the crown of thorns which is the only head piece our ego truly deserves to wear.

Read this next statement out loud. I do not KNOW anything. This is a true statement. It is not meant to demean, humiliate, or disgrace you. Understand that to KNOW something, you must BE that thing. You can learn about something through reading, listening, or viewing videos, however, all you have is partial information. Until you BE-come all your information is simply data points on a continuum of knowledge.

Did you have difficulty accepting the claim about not knowing anything? Most people do. The reason is really quite simple: They refuse to surrender who they believe they are and the narrative they project to underscore their belief.

Humility is all about surrender. As this tool declares spiritual seekers are willing to relinquish their hold on the positions that have taken; the mental gamesmanship it takes to maintain every position; and the emotional arguments bent on gaining the upper hand towards any position. Surrender in this manner is not weakness or defeatist – it is acceptance to the truth. You do not KNOW anything.

This entire concept is probably turning your ego over and over attempting to justify a response. Justification is only a device employed by the ego to stay in a perceived position of superiority. But are you willing to give that perceived position up? Are you willing to forego the mental dialogue you’re conducting right this moment in order to be humble?

Humility is a responsibility. Many run from taking any type of responsibility in many areas of their lives. There are those who take responsibility to justify their actions not only with themselves but to those around them. This too is the work of the ego.

There are the rare few who responsibly chose to remain humble at all costs – even at the cost of life itself. Christ is the prime example of humility. His actions during the drama leading up to and during the crucifixion represent the surrender of positionality and the mental/emotional argument for the gain of his life. His final words of, “Forgive them Father for they know not what they do…” demonstrates how humility and forgiveness work hand in hand.

This burden of this tool might seem too heavy to bare. I submit to you how it might be best if you ease into it in areas of your life where your ego feels less threatened. Every victory you have with humility, even small ones, work to diminish the ability of the ego to hamper your spiritual journey. You have chosen this lifestyle so live it to its fullest, humbly.

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Spiritual Tools – Part Five

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Whether you realize it or not, everyone is on a journey towards spiritual enlightenment. Many travel the path intentionally, while others only experience it when they cross over with their last breath. For those of us who are serious about reaching for all that we can spiritually achieve in this life the search for tools to ensure our progress becomes a vital aspect of our journey. David R. Hawkins M.D., Ph.D. in his book “Transcending the Levels of Consciousness” has described what he calls spiritual tools which any devotee can employ to transcend into spiritual enlightenment.

Through the past few postings, I have been exploring some of these tools which include kindness, reverence, asking for wisdom, and intentional looking. The tool in this post is possible the heaviest one to handle and is taught broadly across all spiritual traditions.

Spiritual Tool #5

Forgive everything that is witnessed and experienced, no matter what.

This tool, more than other, is a direct assault on your ego. Each of us lives a perceived reality which is entirely shaped by our ego. The minute-by-minute chatter which goes on in our head is the egoic justification we endure to center our reality wherein we are the sole victor. This is happening to everyone, every day, all the time. Your reality and the reality of your neighbor are not identical no matter how much you might think they are. The only common denominator is how you’re both seeking to not be seen as wrong or weak.

As Christ hung from the cross, his uttered, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.” This is the model which Christians use to teach forgiveness. Yet, most people will confess that Christians are the most unforgiving people on the planet. How is this possible? It might be found in this tool at the juncture labeled, “…no matter what.”

Yes, someone trampled on your ego. Feelings/pride got bruised or hurt and you felt less they who you think you are. So what? Besides you, who really cares? You can stop reading here if you want, but isn’t running away what you always do when your ego is confronted with a truth it can’t surmount?

For a moment let’s both agree on this one thing: we are ignorant.

Our ego likes to think that we know everything about everything and everyone. We don’t. This is how you have created a perceived reality. Socrates said that men can only choose what they believe to be good. Ignorance is a poison to belief. In other words, none of us knows what is good because we lack the fullness of the knowledge of good.

How many of those involved in the crucifixion of Christ thought what they were doing was good? Probably all of them. Yet, he asks the Father to forgive them because of their ignorance.

Human ego when confronted by spiritual truth cannot survive so it will often fake its death and resurrect itself as spiritual pride. The spiritual pride of many Christians believes that they have the Truth, and therefore are beyond ignorance in spiritual matters. Their ignorance is not recognizing how having Truth and being Truth operate on different realms of existence.

For now, let’s both agree how none of us wants to hear someone say to us, “…forgive them Father for they are ignorant of…” If that claim doesn’t raise the cockles of your ego than you haven’t been paying attention – no matter what!

Look Christ, Buddha, Krishna all proclaimed how all error is due to ignorance. You are not immune. Some of your biggest mistakes in life have been because you just didn’t know. Regrettably, your ego still to this day will not allow you to forget it either.

Please understand that there is huge difference between being ignorant and being stupid. I am in no way saying that you are stupid. Your ego does a better job of that than I might even consider myself capable of. However, ignorance is the touchstone of our bond. Yes, we are ignorant in many differing fields. There is no harm in admitting this unless your ego thinks it keeps you from being all you desire to be.

Let’s try to keep a front line of defense against our ego by being humble enough to say, “Forgive me Father for being ignorant.” Maybe we can then begin to forgive – no matter what!

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Spiritual Tools – Part Four

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David R. Hawkins M.D., Ph.D. in his book “Transcending the Levels of Consciousness” has described what he calls spiritual tools which any devotee can employ to transcend into spiritual enlightenment. As I have shown in the past few posts there is a simplicity to the use of these tools, but they are extremely effective in attacking our ego/pride. This fourth one has similar results.

Spiritual Tool #4

Intend to see the hidden beauty in all that exists – it then reveals itself.

There is a verse in the Hebrew wisdom scriptures which says, “As a man thinks, so is he.” This might seem counter intuitive, but your mind is not who you are. You can think about any of a number of things (and you do daily) but they are not who you are.

The key to this tool is intention. We see things all around us and our ego is searching how it might benefit us or cause us harm and should then be avoided. Rarely do we intentionally look for, or even at something because it drains our mental resources (i.e., suspends the function of the ego). The closest act of intentional looking might be looking at a painting in an a museum, however, even this act is fraught with self-talk about what was the artist thinking, who were they trying to paint the picture for, was the artist on some type of simulants that cause such piece to be produced, or any of a number of other mental mechanisms to justify why you’re looking at a price-less piece of work.

There is the saying that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. The question this bring up is whether the beauty seen was intentional sought after. As this tool claims hidden beauty reveals itself when intention is applied in the looking. This is not obvious beauty but rather the beauty which is veiled from our first glance. What and even where might this hidden beauty be witnessed?

Think for a moment of every place you avoid; or even people you keep away from; or medical conditions you find it unbearable to be around; or difficult social situations where you try desperately to leave before being overwhelmed by the anxiety they create within you. Your ego has programmed you to resist these types of encounters because it assumes there to be no value for you within them.

In the Hebrew creation narrative, God creates the world and all which is within it and declares that it was “good” and “very good.” The probability of “beauty” being enveloped within the good/very-good proclamation I would say was pretty darn high then and still is today.

In this world it is very evident that ugliness retains a prominent hold on our eyesight. The repeated viewing of this has the ability to lower our level of spiritual consciousness. This tool is a remedy to this issue by intentional directing our sight out of what our ego has declared as the repulsiveness of life into a mindset which is inclusive of all.

One important caveat to this tool is the quantum mechanic nature of its use. One of the revelations which the science of quantum mechanics has produced center around the split slot experiment. I’ll attempt to paraphrase what this experiment produced.

A devise was setup which held a piece of cardboard which had two slits cut through it. A light beam was shot at the slits and then measured on the opposite side as to how it passed. The scientists were trying to determine if the light exited as a particle or as a wave since are the two forms of how light travels. Every time the experiment was run, the researchers found precisely what they were looking for. When looking for a particle, this is how it appeared; when looking for a wave, this too is how it appeared. At first this did not seem possible. It was only after intense debate and verification that it was discovered how the light always became whatever the researcher was attempting to measure! It seems that the intention of the viewing always shaped the outcome to meet it.

This is precisely what this spiritual tool is describing. Intend to look for beauty and that is what you’ll see. Conversely, if all you intend to look for is the opposite of beauty, that is what you’ll see. It is all up to you, it always has been. It’s not rocket science…but then again…

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Spiritual Tools – Part Three

hand in hand

In this post I am going to piggy-back on something I wrote from the previous post. The reason has to do with what the third spiritual tool is as defined by David R. Hawkins M.D., Ph.D. in his book “Transcending the Levels of Consciousness.”

Spiritual Tool #3

Presume no actual reliable knowledge of anything at all. Ask God to reveal its meaning

The spiritual journey is a progressive execution of your ego. As you transcend into higher levels of spiritual awareness your ego is going to fight back like a drowning victim thrashing in the water. Ascension only comes as the ego dies.

This is what I said in the prior posting:

The one thing your ego does not like is not knowing. It is seen as a sign of weakness. Yet can you seriously be expected to know everything?

From an early age we are indoctrinated in institutions of learning ranging from pre-school to elementary, middle, and high school, then to college or university. Church life is even structured toward varying class levels to bring the congregants into the “knowledge of God.” All of this grasping for knowledge about any subject matter is merely a salve to your bruised ego. But how?

There is a saying in the church which claims, “To be too spiritually minded is to be no earthly good.” This is purely an egoic statement since it is often expressed against those who believe in the purpose of this third spiritual tool. In the mind of the people making this accusation asking, praying, or seeking God about a matter which clearly can be addressed from the wealth of “knowledge” already available is simply operating from a master/slave mentality.

Any response from an adherent who employs this mode of operating is often rebuked with, “You have the mind of Christ. Why don’t you use it?” Pride/ego takes many paths to keep oneself in positions of superiority – even against God.

Consider what this tool is revealing. We live in an age of media saturation where powers are manipulating the narrative of any event to shape the thoughts and actions of people around the globe. Pick any topic and you can find any number of authors who profess to be experts, analysis who have the inside track, and commentators who assemble viewpoints for the masses to digest. But is any of this balanced? No, since every topic has at least two viewpoints to consider. If there are more than two, prepare for a frenzy of mudslinging to establish dominance.

This tool reveals how within this entire mess there is NO RELIABLE knowledge. Just look around you and witness the truth of this declaration. From health matters to worldwide war people/nations are operating with no reliable knowledge yet believing they know reality.

One of the truths associated with God is the character of being ALL KNOWING. Every moment of every day God knows everything and what it means. God even knows what your lack of knowledge means! So why not ask? Oh yeah, your ego still wants to play the role of god for your life. How is that working for you?

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