The Demise of Grace – Part 1

hand in hand

Today, the world is fractured. There are forces at play keeping humanity divided along national, ethic, social, economic, and many other subcategories all intended to eradicate the divine principle this nation was founded upon, e pluribus unum, out of many, one.

Joh 17:21 That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.

Grace can be seen as the divine animating power of Love; a power which attracts and binds the cosmos together in union with it’s Creator. When grace is neglected and diminished, division and separation naturally occurs. What causes grace to be abandoned, particularly when it is so needed in times such as these?

Pro 16:18 (MSG) First pride, then the crash– the bigger the ego, the harder the fall.

I have made reference to the works of David R Hawkins, M.D., Ph. D. dealing with understanding the levels of consciousness. Over these next few writings, I am going to explore how levels of consciousness move us from a linear perspective to a non-linear reality and how this shift affects our ability to function and utilize the grace we all possess.

“The self identifies not only with the mind, but also with the content – which becomes “my” memory, “my” senses, “my” thoughts, “my” emotions, “my” property, “my” success, “my” failure, “my” expectations, “my” feelings, and so on. Identification presumes ownership and authorship; thus, the ego sees and believes itself to be a personal, separate causal agent and the inferred source of its own existence.” David R Hawkins, M.D., Ph. D., Dissolving the Ego, Realizing the Self

You are not your ego/mind. Any argument to the contrary is merely a display of how low level the nature of consciousness is operating at. The ego is narcissistic in its nature and only seeks its benefit even at the expense of the life of the person it is operating in. Dying for a religious cause is just one example of this. History is full of other examples. Yes, even your history.

Pride is a low level of consciousness. We are taught in religious environs how it was the cause of the fall within the angelic realm. If it could happen there, it most surely can and does happen in mankind. And yet we are encouraged to show pride for our country, its flag, our leaders, our sports teams, our standard of living and our ability to overcome adversity. So surely not all pride is destructive, right?

The consciousness level of integrity is the demarcation line of where actions require force or actions demonstrate power. Pride, greed, shame, grief, fear, desire, anger, and apathy are all lower levels of consciousness which reside below the level of integrity. Within these lower levels force must be employed to hold onto these thought patterns not only in yourself but within a social structure. This is the realm of ego.

While I began this post dealing with the nature of the world, change in any conceivable form will only transpire on a personal level first. So, if I make mention of the macro effects of consciousness it requires a micro effect first on the lowest element in the cluster.

My intention is to move us into the higher levels of consciousness beyond the level of integrity. As I proceed with these writings you may find that some of the materials hit too close to home. Grace is identical at every level, but our understanding of it is often stunted by a level of thought we have never encountered before or have difficulty in accepting. Whatever result this produces within you, stay the course for the answer will be revealed to carry you higher. Buckle up, we’re heading up.

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